Warm winter affects number of rattlers on display

Published 12:01 am Thursday, March 22, 2012

Opp City Planner Don Childre holds up one of the big Eastern Diamondback rattlesnakes caught this year. | Kendra Bolling/Star-News


The slithers may be slim this year, but rodeo officials say they still have enough Eastern Diamondback rattlesnakes to put on a good rodeo.

Opp City Planner and resident snake “expert” Don Childre said this week the warm winter has wreaked havoc on the number of snakes local hunters have found in burrows around the county.

At last count, there were about 14 snakes in the snake trailer outside city hall, he said.

In the years since the city has taken over the rodeo, the city typically catches around 40 snakes.

Mayor H.D. Edgar said at Monday’s council meeting there are plenty of snakes for all the fun.

“We have enough that everyone can see them, and it will still be a great event,” he said. “We want everyone to come out to our rodeo.”

Those who want to get an up close view of the snake at next weekend’s rodeo will have the opportunity to see these creatures.

On Fri., March 30:

• A snake show will be held from 5:15 p.m. until 5:55 p.m.

On Sat., March 31:

• Snake races will be held at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2:50 p.m., as well as snakes shows.