Random incident shows best of community

Published 8:35 pm Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Recently, I was at a local grocery store talking with an employee when a man who looked tattered and worn introduced himself, pointed at the cashier, and said, “She said you might be able to help me.” He said he was hitchhiking and it was taking its toll on him physically as well as mentally.

Other than his worn clothes and weathered skin he was no different than you or I. I thought for a few minutes and I told him let me make a couple of phone calls to see what I can do to get him help. I called a good friend who works closely with local ministries and he was at a loss of what he could do.

I decided that he needed the help and I placed total faith in God. I called a local motel and made arrangements for him to stay. It came to me that I should at the very least have him checked out by the authorities. So I walked back outside and told the man I had one condition to helping him. I said I would call the local police department and have them checked him out, and if it came back good I would help him at least for one day.

As I explained to the dispatcher what I was doing he informed me that if he checked out OK that they had a program in place to see that he was fed and housed. I almost fell over! That puts a whole new meaning to me on serve and protect!

An officer quickly arrived, he ran him and he came back without any wants or warrants! The officer came in with him to the store where I was and said that he was taking him to the PD where the chaplain on call would help him. I was holding back the tears! Then the employees inside the store came to him and handed him money out of their purses! Wishing him a Merry Christmas! No more holding the tears back!

Thank you to the ladies at the store! Thank you to the local police department and its officers! And thank you, God, for placing me in a community that knows love and caring!

To me this was the most awesome I could have received. It opened my eyes again to what a beautiful and loving community we live in!

Eddie Lewis
