Couple overwhelmed by response

Published 11:10 am Tuesday, June 17, 2014


My wife and I have been, and are still in the midst of, the most trying ordeal of our lives. And yet, what has seemed to happen here, when taken as a whole, is nothing short of breathtaking.

I wouldn’t have thought our situation would draw and attention, nor have I sought it. No modesty to it, I simply thought our situation was likely unremarkable to most. These are difficult and uncertain times for everyone, and when I look around I see so many in need, and struggling. I didn’t consider myself special.

What I have experienced, however, is nothing short of jaw-dropping. I have seen what true community really is, and it exists right here. People have appeared from seemingly nowhere to offer their generosity. And financial assistance is only a part of that, though one Caitlin and are grateful beyond words for. A kind word, a prayer for me and my family, offers to help with basic tasks that would otherwise go wanting in a time of grief. In these days, I have felt like a rich man. Not in wealth, but love, respect, and people taking time for the smallest or simplest displays of basic kindness. All for no more than a simple man who might, in all modesty, have passed with little comment.

Instead, what I see and feel is a literal tsunami of support, people reaching out to organize and do what they can, in many cases to help a pure stranger. I have never known or imagined such a sense of family and community, of home. Whatever time is granted me, I have to say that there is no better place than here that I could have spent my life. It is something I will be forever grateful for.

Thank you all, for the love and support you have shown Caitlin and I. Because of those kindnesses and support, both small and large, our family has been shown a warmth and compassion that makes me know that people are going to be all right, that right, I have seen the world change into a better place. I think of the ripples that can send out, touching others, spreading what I have felt. If I had the voice I’d sing of it, just for the sheer joy we’ve been given in this time of deepest sorrow.

I just wanted to thank everyone concerned for that, as well as The Star-News (see story, here) for taking part in sharing our story, We have been blessed beyond imagination, and I could not leave that unsaid.



Shaun Morgan

Editor’s note: An account has been established for the Morgans at