Letters to the Editor September 3, 2002

Published 12:00 am Monday, September 30, 2002

Thanking all who shared their


Dear Editor:

Thank you for your condolences and for allowing us to get a message to the people of Andalusia and Covington County who shared our grief in the loss of our grandson, Michael Couch. Your response to our pain was so amazing that we are still at a loss for words.

Your capacity for showing and sharing your love and compassion is matchless. We wish that you could know how much it has helped sustain us at this time. Our grandson, as are all people, was a very special young man. Gave him a loving heart toward everyone and in turn he was loved by many. Pray with us that because of his death that some great good may come to others.

There are no adequate words in any language to tell you how much your sympathy has meant to us! Thank you, Michael's and our friends, from the depths of our hearts.


Bud and Opal Couch