Edge will open July 4, say theatre officials

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 23, 2007

Although there are still a number of tasks to complete, Edge Theatre officials insist the eight-screen motion picture complex will be complete and ready for the viewing public on July 4.

&#8220We couldn't miss July 4 weekend,” said Edge Manager Michael Nimmer of what is usually the biggest weekend for movies throughout the U.S. &#8220Things are really starting to shape up.”

Nimmer said he could hardly believe construction progress from just two weeks ago.

&#8220If you could have saw it then, you would have thought there is no way this is going to be complete in time,” he said.

And although the majority of people would disagree with him, Nimmer said the heavy rain the county received on Monday and Tuesday gave him &#8220reason to worry.” While the rain was much needed across Butler County's scorched Earth, it also caused construction delays on site.

&#8220Transformers” - the Michael Bay live action movie of the 1980s cartoon series - will be showing on two screens when the theatre opens on July 4. The film is scheduled for release on July 3.

&#8220It's going to be a big, big movie,” said Nimmer. &#8220When people think ‘Transformers' they still think the cartoon. Word of mouth is going to make that movie a blockbuster.” – Staff.