Latest LAAC show features local artists’ blooms

Published 11:59 pm Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April showers have brought May flowers to the Lower Alabama Arts Center. This month, the local arts gallery hosts “Blooming,” an exhibition featuring local artists and their interpretations of flowers.

“These are all floral themed pieces,” said LAAC manager Ange Petty. “They’re composed in various mediums, based on the artist’s personal choice. They definitely reflect the different personalities of our artists.”

Artists featured in the show include Jo Kelley, Margo Russell, Katherine Graham, Judith Moore, Jessica Tyler, Dot Burkett and Jo Ann Smith. There will be a reception for the exhibition at the LAAC on Sun., May 17, from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.

All the pieces are for sale, and will be judged for cash awards.

Petty said the LAAC holds several shows throughout the year to showcase local artists and their talents. It also offers classes for a variety of artistic disciplines, including painting, singing and dancing.

For more information on the “Blooming” show, or on the LAAC, call 222-3205 or visit