It’s time to bring back the glory, surrender to God

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 15, 2010

Last Sunday we celebrated Mother’s Day. June 20th is the Sunday that is set aside in our calendar this year to celebrate Father’s Day. The period between these two dates has traditionally been used for Christian home emphasis.
In more recent years, we have observed Grandparents’ Day, which is set for Sept. 12 this year.
We are blessed as a nation to have had these focal times on our homes. These emphases are part of the reason for the strength and greatness of our nation. Our nation was founded on Christian principles. Our forefathers believed in and regularly practiced these principles by church attendance and prayer.

In the 24th chapter of the Book of Joshua, Joshua told the Hebrews to give up all the other gods, and he said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”In Genesis 12:3, God told Abraham that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him – What a promise!
How would it feel if God should tell you and me that all of the families of the earth would be blessed through you and me? Well, there were some special reasons and some special conditions for God’s promise to Abraham.
But you and I can be the channels through which God blesses some people. My challenge today for us is to allow God to prepare us to be that blessing.
The first step that we must take to begin to get ready for God to use us is to admit that we cannot be that channel of blessing within ourselves. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that all of us have sinned. You see, God will not use a dirty channel, but God can and will cleanse us if we just surrender to Him. Romans chapter 4 teaches that Abraham believed God and it was counted as righteousness. God changed Abraham’s name from Abram to Abraham as the first indication of the blessing. God may not change your name, but He will change who you are.
Now, our country is in trouble because we have left the principles of God, but we can turn it around if we let God change us so He can bless others through us. I challenge you to surrender to God so He can make it happen. We can bring back the glory!

The Rev. Graham Tucker