Public invited to discuss AMS closing
Published 10:45 am Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Superintendent Ted Watson said Monday he is making good on a promise to hold a forum to give parents a chance to ask questions about the school board’s decision to close Andalusia Middle School.
Watson said the meeting will be held Thur-sday at 6 p.m. in the Anda-lusia Eleme-ntary School library.
In July, the school board approved a capital plan that included closing AMS and moving the sixth grade to Andalusia Elementary School and moving the seventh and eighth grade to Andalusia High School.
A separate wing will be built for seventh and eighth graders on the high school campus.
Watson said combining the 7th through 12th grades will allow the system to “take advantage of having all the secondary teachers on site.”
“We could use the teachers interchangeably, if needed,” he said.
Additionally, a kindergarten early learning center would be constructed at AES, which would free up space to house the sixth graders.
The plan also calls for moving the central office to the AMS building.
At last week’s board of education meeting, a bond firm presented four options that would help the school system move along on the plan.
The board requested two weeks to mull over the numbers and Watson will seek input from architects to see how much the project could cost.