Downtown development, quality of life focus areas
Published 2:39 am Friday, January 1, 2016

Mayor Earl Johnson said community events like Candyland and July Jamz will be even better in 2016. Here, a youngster enjoys a show show on the Court Square. City of Andalusia photo by Gerry Richards
Andalusians are in for an exciting year, Mayor Earl Johnson said.
“You are going to see significant redevelopment in the downtown area, and it will come early in the year,” he said.
“We are going to continue to work to increase the economic base and financial circumstances of the community,” Johnson said. “It is stronger than it has ever been in past, and we are certainly working to improve that.”
Two new businesses opened in the industrial park at the end of 2015, and the mayor said the city looks forward to working with them to grow.
The Andalusia Industrial Board in December sold a building in the industrial park to Jimmy Pate of Covington Heavy Duty Equipment. Pate has expanded his business to include cleaning supplies and equipment, and needed additional space.
The board also leased a building to GreenSteel.
“We are gong to continue to recruit new businesses – industrial, retail and service to the community,” Johnson said.
The city’s recreation program, including the APPLE after-school program will expand this year, he said.
“We also will continue to expand our summertime community activities, specifically July Jamz,” he said.
A concert series produced in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, July Jamz is an outdoor concert series.
“We also will continue to expand our super successful Candyland on the Square and Christmas at Springdale,” he said.
The city council also plans a paving project to address neighborhood streets, and hopes the state will break ground on resurfacing South Three Notch Street. The South Three Notch Street project is funded by a state grant, and the state will handle bids on the project.
Already, bids are in place for a sidewalk expansion program slated to begin in February.