Latest Nina Keenam Archives - The Andalusia Star-News


Curiosities about our gift of sight

Did you know that eagle eyes are larger than human eyes? Here are some more curiosities about the ...


Looking forward to Sundays at Banner Hill

When I was a little girl, my daddy let me join him on a Sunday afternoon visit to ...


Never too old for animal crackers

No matter your age, you probably have eaten those mild little crackers, known as animal crackers. And if ...


Remembering important things in life

It is hard to believe, but here we are in the second week of February, 2023. Often at ...


Dealing with change isn’t so bad after all

Boy did I resist the change many years ago when something new was introduced at the newspaper where ...


Revisiting a series that keeps you hanging

Did I hear you right? “Twenty-three Tarzan paperback books?” I asked my husband as he placed a cardboard ...


Hummingbirds are fascinating to watch

Have you ever been close enough to a hummingbird to take a good look at its movements as ...


Learning a lesson from curling iron

“Mom, remember the curling iron is heating. Don’t burn yourself again,” my daughter warned. Of course I would ...

Nina Keenam

‘Little Girl’ brings warmth to my heart

“Come in, now,” I said, but Little Girl ignored me and continued her exploration of the backyard. Just ...


Put imagination to work along interstate

Once while on a trip to South Florida, we stopped and fed coins in a little box and ...

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