AHS Key Club cleans up Bay Branch

Shown are (back row, from left) Coach Daniel Bulger, Thomas Barr, Riley Dubose, Will Black, Charlie Brock, Destini Benson, Madison Long, Tori Carpenter, Janet Wofford; (front row) Katie Black, Taylor Bulger, Callen Woodard, Taran Carrasco, Yun Min Lee, and Christen Eccleston.
Fifteen members of the Andalusia High School Key Club spent Sunday afternoon cleaning up Bay Branch as part of the 28th annual Alabama Coastal Cleanup effort.
Bay Branch drains to the Yellow River, and is near the “Adopt a Mile” in front of the Kiwanis Fairgrounds.
This marked the seventh year the AHS Key Club has participated in Coastal Cleanup.
Janet Wofford, facilitator for the Conecuh-Sepulga and Blackwater Rivers Clean Water Partnership, coordinates the Alabama Coastal Cleanup in this area, a responsibility she has taken on since 2002.
Litter is recognized as one of the main water pollutants in this area, Wofford said, adding that all trash that is not picked up and removed will eventually find its way to a water body.
Once there, it is harmful to wildlife as they can become tangled in such items as plastic bags or they can mistake litter as food, swallow and choke on plastic bits of straws, food containers etc.
Cigarette butts, which are designed to last indefinitely and carry many chemicals and carcinogens which are harmful to wildlife, waterways, and groundwater, find their way to waterways, as well. Additionally, items such as plastic bags, cups, and aluminum cans can hold rainwater and serve as breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Wofford expressed her thanks to the Andalusia Police Department for assistance with traffic; Bill Wofford with Alabama Department of Transportation for help with safety and garbage disposal; and to Coach Daniel Bulger, sponsor, AHS Key Club.
The Alabama Coastal Cleanup is an annual event held each September. For information, contact Wofford at 334-488-4511 or janetwofford@andycable.com