Peer Helpers plan luncheon

CL: Shown, from left, are Callen Woodard, Haley Booker, Madi Courson, and Clorissa Morgan; standing are Caroline Andrews, Amy Hines, and Millie Manring.
Courtesy photo
Andalusia High School Peer Helpers Club is kicking off the school year with big plans. Earlier this month, they selected their new officers, including Colton Elmore, president; Haley Booker, vice president; AnaSara Kipp, secretary; and Belle Spurlin, treasurer.
This week the club is hosting the annual New Student Luncheon in the library for students who are new to the Andalusia City School System and Andalusia High. This year AHS has 13 students who fit this profile. They will spend third block having lunch and conversation about the school, its clubs and organizations, and the traditions for which it is known. They will also play “get to know you” games as icebreakers and team building.
Early in October, a committee of Peer Helpers that includes Belle Spurlin, Baylee Robertson, Taran Carrasco, AnaSara Kipp, Cooper Gooden, Haley Booker, Amy Hines, and Colton Elmore, will organize and implement a safe driving campaign that is centered around State Farm’s 2N2 safe driving awareness program. This group will create and submit a video for competition. If the AHS video is one of 100 chosen, it will be available on the State Farm website for everyone to vote on daily. The top 22 school videos receiving the most votes will be awarded $100,000. Last year, the AHS club held a safe driving awareness fun day on the front lawn which provided the entire student body an opportunity to log in and vote, talk with the Covington County Sheriff’s department about drunk driving laws and dangers, and make use of the National Guard’s pedal cars while wearing “beer goggles” provided by the sheriff’s department. The club plans a similar day of awareness this year.
Also in October, Josh Helms, Tyler Garvin, Jeremy Boyd, Peyton Prevett, Haley Booker and Charlie Brock will be composing and presenting a Safe Halloween skit that they hope to present to local elementary students.
The club has identified additional activities for upcoming months: November brings Red Ribbon Week and tobacco use prevention awareness; December holds World AIDS Day and National Handwashing Awareness; February will focus on National Heart Health and healthy relationships; April will contain activities concerning public health and child abuse prevention; and May will have a focus on teen pregnancy prevention.
The AHS Peer Helper Club currently has 33 members who take an oath to live a healthy life and set an example for their peers as well take an active stance to help and educate those in our school and community on the dangers of unhealthy lifestyles. Peer Helpers will take applications for new members during the month of October.