Schools celebrate parent involvement

Published 1:20 am Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of columns submitted by counselors in the Andalusia City Schools to coincide with Parent Involvement Month.

Research has shown that when parents are involved in their children’s education in positive ways, children achieve higher grades and test scores, have better attendance at school, complete more homework, demonstrate more positive attitudes and behavior, graduate at higher rates, and have greater enrollment in higher education. The most important benefit of parent involvement is better educated, more informed parents who have a direct impact on children and their success in school. Student success hinges on parent/family involvement. School quality depends on parent/family involvement. (Source: National PTA’s National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs,

Because parent involvement—now more than ever—is such a critical factor in determining the success or failure of students and schools, Andalusia City Schools is participating in the statewide initiative which recognizes the month of October as Parent Involvement Month. Each school has activities planned to encourage parent participation.

The month begins with Andalusia High School celebrating Homecoming the week of Sept. 29 – Oct. 4.

Parents are invited and encouraged to participate in the float building competition which will be held in the Kiwanis Building on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights beginning at 5:30 p.m. On Friday, October 4th, Homecoming Day will open with a breakfast in the Andalusia High School cafeteria for all alumni being honored which includes the classes of 2005, 1995, 1985, 1975, 1965, 1955, 1945, and 1935. Following the breakfast, parents and alumni are invited to attend the Homecoming Assembly which will highlight memorable class and historical events, music, trends, and members of the classes being honored. The Homecoming skit is an excellent way to learn more about the traditions and heritage of the Andalusia City School System.

At 2 p.m., everyone is encouraged to gather downtown for the Homecoming Parade featuring the Homecoming Court, class floats, and the AHS marching band. Pre-game festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the crowning of the Homecoming Queen and the announcement of the float competition winners. The football game against Bullock County will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Homecoming week will offer many opportunities for parents to be involved with their children’s activities, to work side-by-side with teachers and faculty in an informal setting, and to learn more about the students at Andalusia High School.

On Oct. 8, the counselors at each school will host a “Coffee with the Counselor” for parents to meet with the counselors in a small group setting for a question and answer session. Topics will range from communication with teachers to helpful websites to preparing for the future. Parents who would like to attend “Coffee with the Counselor” should call the main office of each school to register. The group will be limited to the first 20 parents who register.

Mon., Oct. 13, is Parent Conference Day. Teachers will be available for conferences from 1 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. To schedule a conference, parents should call the main office of the school his/her child attends. Oct. 13 also kicks off the Safe Driving Awareness Campaign, Oct. 13 – 24, sponsored by the Peer Helpers Club and State Farm agent Mrs. Sharyn Smith. The Peer Helpers will host a variety of events to make students, parents, and grandparents aware of the importance of safe driving.

An ACT Prep class offered through Doorway to College will be held on Sun., Oct. 19, from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. All juniors and seniors should have received an announcement in the mail with the details of the workshop. From 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. that day, a session is available for parents who are interested in learning more about scholarships and the process for applying for scholarships. Parents should call AHS to register.

Andalusia City Schools will host “Kids and Today’s Drugs” at 6 p.m. Tues., Oct. 21, in the AHS auditorium. The Drug Task Force will present pertinent information about drugs that are seen in our community, the signs that parents should look for in their own children, and what to do if they suspect drug use. The community is invited.

To culminate Parent Involvement Month, all of the schools will participate in “Say No to Drugs” Red Ribbon Week to educate students and the community about the dangers of drug use. Each school will have a different emphasis each day and a drive to collect either coins or supplies for the Crossover Recovery Program.

A calendar with all of the events is located online at

The administrators, faculty, and staff of Andalusia City Schools encourage and welcome parental input and involvement. We encourage all parents to make a special effort during the month of October to become an involved and active participant in the educational process.