Plan to enjoy Buckmasters Expo
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 9, 2002
A wide variety of activities await hunters and their families at the Aug. 16-18 Buckmasters Expo at the Montgomery Civic Center and Riverfront Park.
"We want everyone to have fun," says Buckmasters founder and CEO Jackie Bushman. "If they have never been hunting and want information, this is a great place to get it. Hunting has been a rewarding family activity throughout American history and we are proud to invite people to join us at the Expo to celebrate our hunting heritage."
Doors open at 3 p.m. CT
Friday for the consumer show in the Civic Center and for the Young Bucks Outdoors Pavilion. Hours Saturday are 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. CT.
Riverfront activities run Saturday and Sunday only. Admission to the event is one can of food per person or $1. People who feel like giving more may do so.
Buckmasters Expo Outdoor Show
More than 250 exhibitor booths. In addition to being a great place to load up on new supplies, the latest cutting-edge equipment, or stock up on holiday presents, the Buckmasters Expo offers a rare opportunity to talk directly with the people at the top of the companies that make hunting equipment. Many industry leaders will be staffing their company's booth here and hunters can ask them questions about equipment operation, use and maintenance.
There will be lots of great specials in the miles of aisles of the latest hunting equipment and supplies.
Buckmasters Montgomery Riverfront Activities
A short walk across the Expo parking lot -- or a free trolley ride --
takes you to the Montgomery Riverfront for a variety of Buckmasters outdoors-related activities including instruction and shooting practice with Jennings bows and Easton arrows; a working forge run by world-renowned knifemaker and "National Living Treasure" Jerry
Fisk.. He will be making and demonstrating knife usage and care.
Triton Boats will offer free boat rides. Chain saw artists and carvers will conduct demonstrations. Other demonstrations will include how to make a basket from wisteria vines. More activities are being added and will be announced later.
Young Bucks Outdoors
In addition to being able to assemble their own wooden bird feeder free of charge, youngsters may participate in a variety of outdoors-related activities, including getting instruction and shooting time with Jennings bows and Easton arrows and Daisy airguns under the supervision of USA Olympic Shooting team members and officers of the Alabama Department of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. They may climb a U.S. Army rock wall and take a U.S. Marine fitness challenge; have fun with hand-held electronic outdoors games by Radica; and test their hunting skills with the Radica Buckmasters Play TV game. There's also a Moon Walk. Kids who pass through here may never go hunting, but Buckmasters hopes their experiences here will help them better understand hunting and hunters' importance to America's wildlife programs. OZZ the DJ will lead the kids in games and other activities at the top of every hour.
Clay Walker Concert
Country music star and outdoorsman Clay Walker will be the headline entertainer for the Buckmasters Expo. Walker, one of country music's Top 10 touring acts, and an avid hunter, has 11 Number One singles to his credit. He has sold more than eight million albums and performed for more than three million fans. His Number One singles include:
What's It To You, Live Until I Die, Dreaming With My Eyes Open, If I Could Make A Living, This Woman And This Man, Who Needs You Baby, Hypnotize The Moon, Rumor Has It, Then What, You're Beginning To Get To Me, and The Chain of Love. The concert, to be held in the Union Station Train Shed, is free to Buckmasters members. Memberships available on site.
Buckmasters Top Bow Indoor World Championship
Top-ranked archers, many of whom you've seen on national TV, will be competing for the coveted Buckmasters Top Bow Indoor world championship trophy: The Rack. Fans may watch the competition, gather autographs, and get shooting tips.
TV Air Dates: Buckmasters Top Bow Indoor World Championship will be taped for airing on The Buckmasters TV series on TNN Oct. 19 & 20.
The show airs Saturday at 11 a.m. and Sunday at 12 p.m. ET, July 6 through December 29.
USA Olympic Shooting team. Former Olympic medalists and those aiming for the 2004 Olympics will sign autographs, and share their tips for world-class shooting. See them in their booth in the exhibit hall and watch them teach kids to shoot in the Young Bucks Outdoors center.
Free Rack Scoring using
BTR System
Hunters may bring their trophy racks to be scored by certified Buckmasters Trophy Records scorers and enter the drawing for a new Remington deer rifle. The BTR scoring system eliminates the concept of deductions and gives the rack full credit for every inch of antler the buck grows. That's the official score. The inside spread may be added to get the "composite" score, which
is unofficial.
BTR Scorers Class: for those who wish to become official Buckmasters Trophy Records scorers. Contact Aduston Rogers at 800-240-3337.
Buckmasters Golden
Laurel Presentation
The annual Buckmasters Trophy Records prestigious Golden Laurel Citation will be awarded Sunday afternoon for the most significant trophy whitetail record entry in North America for the 2001-2002 hunting season. Presentation will be made prior to the final rounds of the Buckmasters Top Bow Indoor World Championship.
Book Signings by Jackie Bushman: Buckmasters founder, CEO and host of the Buckmasters TV series will sign copies of his two new books: Jackie Bushman's Top 50 Whitetail Tactics and Jackie Bushman's Big Buck Strategies, at designated times at the Buckmasters souvenir booth inside the Expo. The books, published this year, are available at bookstores nationwide and at the Expo.
Free Photo & Poster Signings
by Jackie Bushman
Bushman will sign free photos and posters at designated times in the Young Bucks Outdoors center.
For the cooks in the family, Ethan Becker, a hunter and avid outdoorsman and the editor of America's long-time Number One selling cookbook, The Joy Of Cooking -- will be at the Expo. Bring your copy and have him autograph it. Becker will also share tips for cooking venison and will talk about his line of knives for outdoorsmen. Look for him in the Camillus booth or at the Jerry Fisk knife forge at Riverfront Park.
Raffles to support various programs of Buckmasters' non-profit arm -- the Buckmasters American Deer Foundation.
Drawings will be held
several times daily. Prizes include a Yamaha four-wheeler. Tickets may be purchased at the entrance to the Buckmasters Top Bow Indoor World Championship.