Bowlers compete in league action
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 14, 2002
Bowlers get ready.
A new Sunday Night Mixed League is being formed with the season set to begin on Oct. 20. For more information about league bowling or joining a league contact Boland Lanes at 222-3331.
The Alley Cats are in first place after 10 weeks of the 16-week season followed by the Last Call team and the Roll Tide team. Rounding out the standings are the Strike Seekers and The Unpredictables.
Last week's top scores
among the men were posted by Dick Gaston and Robert Cross. Gaston had the best scratch game score with a 238 and the best scratch series with a 548. Cross had the best handicap game score with a 266 and the best handicap series with a 665.
The top bowler among the women was Sherry Kurtz with a 209 scratch game, 500 scratch series, 260 handicap game and 653 handicap series.
The Huddle House team is in first place just ahead of the Bowl Weebles and the Lets Roll teams. The Lonango Convenience team is in fourth followed by The Crips, Advantage Realty 2 and the Alley Cats.
Last week's top scores included a 195 scratch game by Marilynn Lord. Donna Godwin had a 238 handicap game for top honors. Gaby Harrelson had a 534 scratch series and JoAnn Segars had a 643 handicap series for top honors.
The Berry Patch squad is in first place after five weeks of the 14-week season followed by the Teenagers, the Ama & The PaPa's team, the Advantage team, the Wonders and the Oops squad.
Buddy Jay had a great week bowling with a 256 scratch game, 598 scratch series and 277 handicap game for top honors among the men. Calvin Zaenger had the best handicap series among the men with a 697.
Mary Jordan and Molly Robertson had the top scores among the women. Jordan had a 180 scratch game score and a 508 scratch series for top honors. Robertson had a 255 handicap game and a 686 handicap series for top honors.