Now is the time to give your fair share
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Not everyone will be able to attend the United Fund kickoff luncheon today at the Kiwanis building, but missing the kickoff is no excuse to miss out on a community-building effort. The United Fund offers one of those wonderful, rare examples of what communities are supposed to be - working with each other, for each other.
For the next month, employers will be approaching their employees with a simple request - give. We have heard this request often, especially since the terrorist attack on Sept. 11 of last year, but this giving is unique. This money stays home. This money, this fraction of a day's salary, helps your neighbor, your child, your friend, yourself.
The fund drive for the Andalusia United Fund, which assists so very many agencies in the city and county, only lasts about a month. In that month, the United Fund is not asking for huge lump-sum donations - although they're certainly welcome. What the UF is asking for is pledges. Pledge an hour's pay per paycheck, and you hardly miss the amount.
But if one person, two, three or three dozen do not make this effort, do not pay their fair share, every agency that serves this community will miss the amount.
We understand that business, time and circumstances may keep some company representatives away from the luncheon today, but we have faith that their presence will be felt in other ways, important ways, as their employees make the pledges that make Andalusia and Covington County a better place to live.
UF supports worthwhile agencies
(Editor's Note: Local agencies supported by the Andalusia United Fund
include Acts of Kindness, American Red Cross, Boy Scout Troop 46 Pack 46, Andalusia Humane Society, Andalusia Public Library, Andalusia Rescue Squad, City of Andalusia Youth Sports Community Christmas, Covington County 4-H Clubs, Andalusia Ministerial Association Covington County Adult Training Center, Covington County Recreation, Girl Scouts of South Central Alabama, Girl Scout Troops #115, #12, IMPACT of Covington County, SAFE of Covington County Salvation Army, Opportunity House, Inc, Gantt Rescue Squad
State and national agencies assisted by the Andalusia United Fund include Alabama Easter Seals, American Heart Association, Leukemia Society of America, and Muscular Dystrophy Association.)