Reality of the war in Iraq finally hits home
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 3, 2003
The war with Iraq is hitting home.
Pfc. Howard Johnson II, of the 507th Maintenance Company, of Mobile, was killed in an Iraqi ambush at Nasiriya on March 23.
This is the first death of a soldier from Alabama, and I hope it is the last, but I fear it won't be.
There can't be a value placed on someone's life; it's priceless. I have immense sympathy for this man's family and friends.
With the war being in our homes everyday through new technology, you really can't help but to see some of it. I don't even like to see the war, but I catch myself having a morbid fascination to watch it. I want to see what is going on even though I know it is horrible. Then I complain about seeing all the bad things they show.
It makes me so sad to see all the pictures of war on the T.V. There have been only a small amount of American soldiers killed, but even so, every life lost makes this war sadder and sadder.
I watch the bombs being dropped close to the cities in Iraq, and I just can't keep myself from thinking about all of those innocent people. Every life is important to someone.
I know that Jessica Lynch, the Pfc. rescued a couple of days ago, has gone through a hell on Earth with her ordeal.
I also know that her family and friends are overcome with joy. Even though she was hurt in many ways, she is still alive. I know they are just thanking God that she is safe.
These two soldiers have paid a high price to ensure our freedom. Everyone of these soldiers deserves to be treated with the utmost dignity and respect.
I don't understand how people can watch these images, from the media personnel that are also brave individuals for being over there in a time of war to bring us the story, and still not support the troops.
These people are going through so much over there. Imagine being scared all the time that chemical weapons may be used to kill a huge number of people.
This is enough right here to make me respect these people. I would be completely scared out of my mind.
I hope this ends without anymore lives being lost and without anymore people being tortured, but when you are dealing with people that have no concern about anything, you can't honestly expect this to be the outcome. Everyone should pray for these soldiers and media personnel that are risking their lives to fight for us or bring the pictures of war to us.
Santanna Casey is a typesetter and youth columnist for the Star-News.