Letters to the Editor 4/17/2003
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 16, 2003
Beer sales did not offend every reader
I thoroughly enjoyed myself at this years Spring Fling. What a great
Day! Now I wish I could I could have been there last year. One of things I enjoyed the most was watching the children having such a good time. Dwight Mikel and his staff deserve great round of applause. The goes for all the folks in VALA deserve the same.
Now as to Bob Reid's letter yesterday concerning the banner from
one of the sponsors, Miller Lite. As a non-drinker, I certainly took no offense in their sponsorship. I could not see that their signs or the beer tent corrupted any of the children. Nor did it cause any problems that I could see. Maybe this is a sign of how far we have progressed as a community in the recent past.
Let me just say this – lighten up Bob. Its Miller Time!
David Walters