Letters to the Editor 5/23/2003

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 22, 2003

Sen. Byrd is the one showboating in D.C.

Dear Editor:

On May 13, 2003, Senator Byrd accused President Bush of "flamboyant showmanship" by landing in a fighter jet on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln.

However, Byrd himself demonstrated "flamboyant showmanship" on the Senate floor last fall on C-Span.

Speaking out against the President, the Senator, in the persona of Macbeth, challenged Mr. Bush by reciting, "Lay on, Macduff!"

Histrionically, Byrd implied that he (Macbeth) would defeat the President (Macduff).

The Senator must not have read Macbeth recently or he would surely have realized that Macduff (Bush) was victorious over Macbeth (Byrd), not the other way around.

- Sara J. McAnulty