Letters to the Editor 6/17/2003

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 16, 2003

Thinks police treatment was biased

Dear Editor:

While reading the front page of the Friday, June 13, 2003 Andalusia Star-News, I was appalled and sickened at the unfair treatment the APD rendered in this supposed to be "drug bust." The treatment of the dope smoking and dope possession of these juveniles was biased.

The reason for my concern is if these juveniles were treated with the same justice that is supposed to be rendered when drugs are found on, or in a person's possession; maybe then after they served the same punishment as juveniles before them, then the continued crackdown on drugs would be successful.

In many articles printed before this one, the offenders' parents weren't called, the offenders were removed from the street or at least arrested!

What makes this group of drug offenders different? Next week, after they have been slapped on their hands and their undeserved, prepaid vehicles have been taken, they will then return to the street to possibly poison my child or someone else's child with drugs. I pray this doesn't happen!

Is this justice or selective privileges?

Ruby Likely

River Falls

Looking for family roots

Dear Editor:

My name is Angela Scroggins Howard and I am writing this letter to you in my hopes of locating some of my relatives. I have been trying without result to find some of the relatives on my father's side. I am very interested and excited to find anyone that may have info about my family. My father's name was Byron Eugene Scroggins and his father's name was Oscar Eugene Scroggins.

My dad was born in Covington county in March 1937. I know that my grandmother's name was Emma Floyd Scroggins, and most people referred to her as "Cleo." I never met her, as she passed away long before I was born. I also know that some other relatives of mine are named Biggs, although, I am not sure of any first names as of yet.

Could you please publish this in your next available issue with hopes that it may lead to me finding some of my relatives? This is very important to my son and I that we find them. Any info that anyone has would be greatly appreciated.

Angela S Howard

11786 SW 33rd Drive

Webster,Fla. 33597
