Star-News launches campaign to assist in job search

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 8, 2003

The Andalusia Star-News, in an effort to help recently, or soon-to-be displaced workers, is launching a new program with the South Central Alabama Classified Marketplace to help those workers find employment.

The program, which is the placement of a classified ad in area newspapers under a "Positions Wanted" category, reaching more than 179,000 readers and potential employers each week, allows job seekers to place something similar to a "mini resume" or brief synopsis of their qualifications for positions sought; plus contact information.

"This is a way we feel we can help those most affected by recent economic events in our area," said Star-News Publisher Richard Brown. "There are many qualified and willing workers in Covington County looking for an opportunity to return to work. This is just one way we are trying to help them."

The ads could serve another purpose too.

"When potential employers see how willing the work force is in Covington County, they could be more willing to expand their current operations, or decide to locate in our area. With a substantial, qualified work force - the opportunities are almost limitless."

Sheila Ennis, manager of the South Central Alabama Classified Marketplace, said the potential reach of the "positions wanted" ads is global.

"These ads will be placed not only in publications across South Alabama, but on our Internet site as well," Ennis said. "With the placement on the Internet, people around the world will have the opportunity to see the type of willing and qualified workers we have in Covington County."

Workers wishing to take advantage of this opportunity have several options when deciding how to place their advertisement. From stopping in the Star-News office at 207 Dunson Street to faxing it in, convenience in placing the ad will not be a problem.

"Those seeking to place a 'positions wanted' ad can call our classified department at 222-8887, ext. 360, email it to, fax it to 222-4945, or stop by our office in Andalusia to speak with one of our classified professionals," Brown said. "We want this to be as easy as possible so the workers can spend more time in their job search."

With the program, there also comes some minor restrictions and regulations, but nothing too complex.

"We must be able to verify the name, address and telephone number of the person seeking employment," Brown said. "There are limits to the amount of space we can accommodate also. Beyond the initial contact information and position sought, there is a 25-line maximum allotted space per ad, but there are exceptions and the classified professionals can assist with any questions regarding those. We also reserve the right to stop an ad or refuse an ad if we discover the person is already employed. This is a service for those unemployed or soon-to-be unemployed because of the current economic situation. Economic recruiters in Covington County are busy recruiting new industries, and this is a way we can help them find a qualified employee pool. We're excited about this, and think it will be extremely beneficial to our readers and citizens."