County dismisses tax plan

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 3, 2003

Although Amendment 1 nearly passed in Andalusia, and came close in Opp as well, the remainder of the polling booths in Covington County told the same tale as the statewide results. Unofficially, overall, there were 3,517 voting for the amendment and 6,957 voting against it.

According to Probate Judge Sherrie Phillips, there was a 47 percent turnout - not as high as the average 50 to 51 percent in a general election. There did seem to be a much higher turnout in the county as opposed to the cities.

"One place I went to, there was a tractor pulled up - they just came in from the fields," said Phillips.

"We had a good turnout," said James Andrews, the poll worker for Heath.

The absentee ballots, which Phillips said can often be used as a bellwether, indicative of how the final vote will turnout, did so in this case as well, with the "Yes" votes numbering 93 and the "No" votes 158.

"They're usually pretty well true to form," said Phillips.

The Probate office was able to offer some early preliminary numbers, although they will not be official until the vote is certified today. Andalusia recorded

1,330 "Yes" votes and 1,457 "No" votes. Opp had 787 "Yes" votes and 1,121 "No" votes. Florala had

130 "Yes" votes and 326 "No" votes. Gantt's results were 105 for and 317 against. Red Level's were 94 for and 218 against and Lock hart had 48 votes for the amendment and 121 against.

The poll worker from Babbie stated that they had the highest voter turnout they'd ever had, an estimate that was echoed by several other poll workers from rural voting sites.