Letters to the Editor 9/24/2003

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 3, 2003

Mother upset with conditions at jail

Dear Editor:

I just wanted to voice my opinion on a topic - the Covington County Jail. My son's items - shoes and shirt are missing. What has happened to them? His wallet was missing, but it was found.

I do not believe the jail is orgazined. It is like a circus.

You have a lady coming in for visitation that brings a dog in her purse.

I've asked for a month for replacement of my son's shoes, but I've been pushed aside.

When he was put in jail, he did without underwear for a week. We weren't allowed to bring him any, so I asked about why some were allowed underwear brought to them.

I was told the inmates were trustees.

I believe they put more priveledges on others. I thought underwear was a necessity.

If they were organized better, all of this would never have happened.

A place for everything, and everything in its place. It's bad enough for me because my son is in there, but for all of this going on, it makes it worse.

It doesn't matter what my son is in jail for. I love him and he will always be in my heart, and he shouldn't be treated this way.

I believe they could take a lesson from the Conecuh County Jail.

Sheila Faulkner
