Lend a hand this holiday season

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 20, 2003

Whether we want to admit it or not, the holiday season is just about here.

Sure, Thanksgiving isn't for another week, but several area businesses have already held open houses and decorations are going up. Before you know it, the lights will be switched on and people will be out in droves, crowding malls, shops and boutiques.

But there's an important thing to remember this holiday season. Charity.

Yes, while you're out fighting the crowds and visiting with friends and family, take the time to stop and help someone out.

In Covington County, we have two tremendous opportunities this holiday season to help our friends and neighbors out.

The Salvation Army is establishing a unit in Andalusia. We're all familiar with the bright red kettles and little gold bells standing on street corners and at the entrances to malls. But this year, those kettles and bells will return for the second time to Andalusia to help out those in our area who need it most.

On your way into the grocery store or department store, drop a few quarters or dollars into the kettle. It'll make you feel better about yourself, and you'll know that you're money is helping someone who truly needs it.

Another fine opportunity we have this holiday season to help out with charity is through the Covington County United Fund.

This county-wide fund-raising establishment helps those agencies help us. It is the umbrella organization for so many charities that do good works in Covington County. It's the organization that makes giving to several different places easy. And it needs your help.

We can rest comfortably knowing that when we donate to these two worthy causes that our money is going where it needs to go … to the people of Covington County.

And that's a good feeling. Helping each other out. And that's what being a neighbor in Covington County is all about.