Letters to the Editor 01-21-2003
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 29, 2004
Column is right on the mark
Dear Editor:
Mrs. Reeves really hit the nail on the head in her article on Jan. 17. Bush's proposals for space are lacking in priorities. I thoroughly agree with her.
I see a lack of foresight - food, water, fuel for several months or years to travel through space. The next idea will be to travel at speed of light?
Oh, yes, the proponents will point to the Lewis and Clark expedition, Columbus across the ocean, but they had the money for it. We don't.
Considering other needs, most states are short on funds for education, health, etc. That space money should really fix that up.
Mrs. Reeves, send your article to all members of Congress for consideration when they vote on appropriations for such a waste.
Bob Reid