Skate park contract awarded
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Preparations for the Johnson Skate Park are rolling along smoothly, as Polly Engineering was awarded the contract in a unanimous vote Tuesday night at the Andalusia City Council Meeting.
Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Andrews explained a number of engineers who bidded on the contract were judged based on their previous projects. Polly Engineering had the highest rating, and was approved by the council.
In a separate contract, J&L Garrett was awarded a contract for cemetery maintenance in the city with the lowest bid out of a complete packet of $1,380 per cutting.
Andrews explained J & L will be responsible for 13 cuttings per year for the next three years - the complete duration of the contract.
The council backed the decision with a unanimous vote in favor of the awarded contract for the cemetery maintenance.
The council also decided it will announce the date for the official dedication ceremony of the new City Hall building at the next meeting, which will be held at the regular time on March 2.
Councilman Harry Hinson presented the council with the idea of attracting retired citizens to Andalusia through a website, He said attracting retired and senior citizens to the area is just as good as attracting new industry.
"Attracting 25 retired couples is just as good as hiring 50 new employees at a new business," he said.
Hinson admitted at the meeting the website may need to be updated for the public. He added the site gives information on Andalusia and about 50 different cities in Alabama, such as of cost of living and property taxes.
Andrews said he would like the city to help in the attraction of the retirees, with updates provided by Hinson.
In other business, the council unanimously declared metal, which was going to be used for construction, as surplus material.
In new business, Andrews read a letter from Mayor Earl Johnson, who reappointed Leland Enzor to serve on the Andalusia Housing Authority. Enzor's term will end on March 5, 2009.
A request for a license waiver for the Sheriff's Posse to hold a "carnival-like event" was tabled, because Andrews announced there might be a conflict with a similar event that is held by the Andalusia Recreation Board.