Highland Home invaded by football players, cheerleaders of all ages, sizes

Published 12:00 am Monday, September 20, 2004

Highland Home was over run by little people Saturday night.

They came in all shapes and sizes and they were all wearing blue and white.

No it wasn't an alien convention. It was the opening night of Little League football at Highland Home School.

Parents came out to watch their little ones become football stars and celebrity cheerleaders. These wee ones only wanted to have fun!

The mighty mites, termites, and pee wees each played Luverne in the opening games.

The mighty mites are fun. They are these tiny people who always seem to fall into one big pile. But it is the beginning of the fundamentals. They must practice discipline and self control which is quite difficult for a six-year old.

However, with the assistance of the coaches, who must have tons of patience, they seem to follow the rules and actually know what to do when they get the ball.

Now the termites, they have been there before. They know about winning.

They also know how it feels to lose. This makes them more determined and more "ready for action."

But those peewee players, they are in a different category. They like to trash talk.

They like to be tough, and they are going to win! This is the varsity team of the future.

The tiny little girls cheering their hearts are adorable. Most don't really understand what is going on behind them, but they know they are special.

Even though they are only one of several, all feel important and significant.

And they are.

Here are the names of the people who volunteer their time to guide these youngsters: Gary Smith, Andy Martin and Randall Pierce coach the mighty mites this season, the termites are led by Gooch Thomas, Gerald Kelley and Stacey Kelley and Lamar Petty, Keith Furr and Alvin Massey coach the pee wee Team.

Of course, the football players couldn't be as successful without the cheerleaders behind them. Coaching the smallest cheerleaders are Jennifer Findley and Dara Snell. Termite coaches are Debbie Duke and Melissa Howlett and Ms. Debbie, along with Letra Sankey coach the peewee squad.

Each coach works very hard to make sure our children have a safe and fun time. For this we thank them.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with concession stands or other activities, please call Ms. Duke at 537-9499.

Please come out and support our teams every Saturday night.




The Highland Home PTA will meet at 7 p.m. on Sept. 20 in the auditorium.

Parents will have the opportunity to meet with their child's teachers at 6:30 p.m. Many important issues will be discussed. Changes regarding some issues will be announced. Also Cash for Class dates will also be presented.

New ideas will be solicited from attendees regarding upcoming events.

All parents are encouraged to attend due the many important issues that will be addressed.




I must say I greatly enjoyed the Troy University game this week. It was so much fun watching our country boys whip those northerners. Never underestimate someone who has nothing to lose.

It is that way in football as well as life.

I also enjoyed the Luverne/Highland game last Friday night, even though the results weren't that great for the Squadron. It is always fun to play neighbors.

If you win, you always have someone to brag to; but if you lose, just don't answer the phone!




Next week, I will report the results of Highland Home's homecoming court.




If you would like to wish someone Happy Birthday in this column, just give me a holler at the above number or email me at pen122@mon-cre.net.

See ya'll next week!