Saint Elizabeth#039;s charm ideal for out-of-town couple

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 25, 2004

Weddings are usually big, formal events with a couple hundred people dressed to the nines and they are usually held on a Saturday, taking up an entire day with preparations, the ceremony and then the reception.

That is how most do it.

That was not the case for Don Jones and Cathy Cumagun, both of Birmingham, who said their wedding vows Tuesday morning in a formal ceremony at Saint Elizabeth’s Catholic Church.

So how did two people who live in Birmingham find Saint Elizabeth’s?

They went looking with faith.

&uot;We were driving home for the holidays and running late and stopped off in Greenville,&uot; Jones said.

&uot;We were looking for a Catholic church to celebrate mass and we found Saint Elizabeth’s.&uot;

Jones said he and his fianc\u00E9 fell in love with the church.

&uot;When we saw the church and the huge stained glass windows, we knew we had to get married here,&uot; he said Tuesday morning outside the church awaiting the bride-to-be’s arrival.

His mother, Rita Jones, said the couple basically took care of all the details for the ceremony.

&uot;They did everything,&uot; Rita Jones said with a chuckle.

&uot;They told me I had five invitations to send and to make sure his twin brother and father were at the church on time.&uot;

Sometimes less is indeed more, and Jones said he and his future wife wanted to keep the ceremony simple and intimate.

There were no lavish displays of bunting, candles or such.

Local florist Nancy Idland, of Elizabeth Wilson’s, provided the flowers for the ceremony.

&uot;The church took care of most of the decorations,&uot; he said.

&uot;We wanted to keep it simple inside.

It is wonderful with the wood framing and those beautiful stained glass windows.

It is truly a unique beauty.&uot;

Although they brought much with them, Jones said they have had to purchase a few things in Greenville and that the people here were more than helpful.

&uot;The people of Greenville have been really nice to us and the merchants have been really helpful when we’ve gone into the shops looking for things,&uot; he said.

&uot;They have just really bent over backwards to help us whenever they could.&uot;

So why Tuesday morning? Because the bride chose the date.

&uot;She picked the date off the calendar and it happened to be a Tuesday,&uot; he said.

&uot;It just stuck.&uot;

The groom is the son of Don and Rita Jones of Atmore. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Jose and Dr. Maria R. Cumagun, of Evergreen.