Relay for Life chance for community to shine

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 20, 2005

The American Cancer Society is gearing up for its annual Relay For Life. Crenshaw County actually kicked off its fundraising last week.

However, according to county coordinator Traci Morgan, interest and response for this event doesn't currently sit at the top of everyone's to-do list. Morgan hopes that as the event draws closer, more and more sponsors and teams will come through to be a part of this special event.

We, here at the Journal, share her sentiments.

Relay For Life is a unique fundraising event that allows participants from all walks of life to join together to fight cancer. A family-oriented team event, the Relay for Life celebrates cancer suvivorship, reminding everyone that progress has been made in the fight against cancer.

Cancer is something that ravages a person in both mind and body. And while cancer victims have to deal directly with the disease and its effects, their loved ones must suffer the pain of watching a close friend or family member fight for his or her life.

Cancer is something that, unfortunately, is not a distant problem on the horizon that you're barely aware of. It's a disease that threatens each and everyone of us on a daily basis. We all have known or know of someone who has fallen prey to cancer. Cancer has claimed many lives and one needs only look to the survivors and hear their stories to understand the need to fight this enemy on all fronts.

For businesses, various sponsorship levels are available. There's Luminaria ($1,000), Entertainment ($750), Supporting ($500), Participating ($250) and Sign ($150). As Relay For Life approaches we hope to see more and more people coming forward to donate to this worthy cause.

And the fun part is the actual event itself.

"The entire community comes out," said Morgan. "It's really a family event."

This year's theme, said Morgan, is 'Happy Birthday.'

"We do a theme every year," she said. "We ask that teams make a sign or decorate their tents on the night of Relay to have fun with this theme."

For more information about Relay For Life, please visit, web address for the American Cancer Society.

For information about sponsorships contact: American Cancer Society, C/O Jamie Donaldson, 201 Ridgeway Court, Auburn, AL 36830.