January 20

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 3, 2005

OCAP Sign Up

OCAP will have a mass sign up for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in Luverne beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Jan. 20 at the National Guard Armory. First come, first serve.For more information contact your local OCAP office at 334-335-3910.

Old Testament History Class

The Continuing Education class, Old Testament History: Exodus, offered by Lurleen B. Wallace Community College will now be meeting on Thursdays at 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Meadowcrest Apartments.

Classes began January 13 and will end March 3 (8 weeks).

It is not too late to register.

Cost is $40.

A highlight of the course is a Passover Seder scheduled for January 27.

For more information, call the instructor, Nancy Petrey, at 335-6700.

January 22

Musical Concert

South Luverne Baptist Church will be sponsoring a musical concert at 7 p.m. on Saturday Jan. 22 that you will not want to miss.

Travis Cottrell and his worship team will be in concert. This is the praise and worship team that performs at all of Beth Moore’s seminars. They will also lead the morning worship service on Sunday Jan. 23.

There will be no admission charge, however if you would like to make a donation to help with expenses, please make your check out to South Luverne Baptist Church and mail to SLBC, 887 South Glenwood Rd. Luverne 36049.

January 26

Retirees Association Meeting

The Crenshaw County Education Retirees Association’s January meeting is scheduled for Jan. 26.

Meetings are held at 10:30 a.m. at the Luverne Public Library.

All public education retirees are invited to attend. For further information call Vice-President Nora B. Hinson at 527-8631. Member are reminded to bring their community service hours so that they may be turned in by February.

January 31

FIT Registration

Alabama's Focused Industry Training, or FIT, is a free 10-week program that provides training in basic business education, computer skills, workplace behavior and problem solving, introduction to the manufacturing environment, how to apply and interview for a job, and more!

FIT graduates will earn certification as an "Alabama Certified Worker," which confirms they have the skills and abilities required by most employers.

Graduates will also receive job placement assistance.

FIT classes will be held in downtown Luverne Jan. 31 through April 11.

Take the first step to a better future by calling the training facility in Luverne at


Emergency Food, Shelter Funds

Crenshaw County has been awarded Federal Funds under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program.

Crenshaw County has been chosen to receive $8112.00 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the county.

Public or private voluntary organizations interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter funds must contact Probate Judge James V. Perdue. The deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Jan.31.

February 19

Beauty Pageant

The Luverne Little Miss & Little Miss Junior High beauty pageant, sponsored by the Luverne Band Boosters, will be held Feb. 19.

Please pick up applications from the school office, Lisa's Jewelry Box, Steppin' Out or Gibson & Carden to register. Deadline is Jan. 31.

The pageant is open to all girls who attend Luverne School and are in pre-school, ages four and five and kindergarten through ninth.

March 3

FEMA Disaster Assistance

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency advised Alabama officials on Dec. 28 that it had granted the state's request to extend the registration deadline an additional 60 days. The new deadline for individual assistance is March 3, 2005.

For more information call Project Rebound located in Crenshaw County at 1-866-756-7834 or 427-8563. FEMA can be reached at 1-800-621-3362.

Ongoing Announcements

Domestic Violence Phone Drive

The Crenshaw County Domestic Violence Task Force is collecting cellular phones and accessories to distribute to clients of the Family Sunshine Center.

Collection sites in Crenshaw County are the Department of Human Resources, the County Health Department, the Circuit Clerk's office at the Crenshaw County Courthouse and the Luverne Housing Authority.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, call the center toll free at 1-800-650-6522.

Old Testament Classes

Lurleen B. Wallace Community College is offering a Continuing Education class at the Luverne campus (Jr. High building) on Old Testament History: Exodus.

Classes meet weekly on Thursday nights, 6:00-7:30 p.m., beginning January 13 and ending March 3 (8 weeks).

Meeting time may be changed to afternoon, depending on consensus of students.

Nancy Petrey is the instructor.

Registration is at the first class meeting.

Cost is $40.

For more information, call Nancy Petrey at 335-6700.

GED Classes

Reid State will offer the GED exam at 9 a.m. on March 12 (part 1) and at 7 p.m. on March 13 (part 2). An appointment is required.

Call or visit the Reid State GED examiner's office in Building 100 to inquire about the GED test or to complete the test application process. A valid picture ID is required for test application and testing.

Students attending classes and receiving recommendation for testing from the instructor will be allowed to take the GED examination free of charge. The current cost for GED testing is $40 for those not attending the free Adult Education/GED preparation classes.

The re-test for writing is $10 with all other re-test costs being $8 each.

The GED test is free for Adult Education students attending GED prep classes at Reid State who have approval from the GED instructor.

A photo ID with social security number and cash or money order are required for the GED exam.

You must be at least 16 years of age and withdrawn from school with parental approval and proof of withdrawal from the school to take the GED exam.

Calendar items are published free of charge as a service to our community. Fax to 335-4299 or email to editor@luvernejournal .com or mail to P.O. Box 152, Luverne AL 36049.