Time to the let the sun shine in once more
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 19, 2005
Once again this week, legislation was introduced in the Alabama legislature that would made the state's Open Meetings Law ironclad.
Last year, a similar proposal died before it could be voted on before time ran out.
It had been stalled by lobbyists for such groups as the Association of County Commissioners.
As we have said in the past, we cannot stress how important this legislation is to you, the average citizen.
It makes those who conduct business on your behalf at the local, county and state level do it above board and in the full view of the public.
We'll ask you again.
Do you really want your governmental bodies acting in secret?
Do you wish that no one was held accountable for monies spent? Monies that you helped pay?
A year later, many elected officials want this legislation to fail so that they can continue their "good-ole-boy" network in the backrooms of the capital, courthouses and the occasional luncheon.
We continue to hear that Pres. George W. Bush's reelection was a mandate that more accountability was wanted in government.
We encourage you to call Rep. Charles Newton and urge him to support this important public information issue. You can write him at 11 S. Union St., Room 541-E, Montgomery, 36130 or call him at (334) 242-4460.
We would also encourage you to call Sen. Wendell Mitchell, who co-sponsored the bill and let him know you support his endeavor. You can contact Mitchell at 11 S. Union St., Room 733, Montgomery, AL 36130 or call 242-7883.
(334) 242-7883.
We would also encourage you contact your county commissioner and ask that he tell is leadership to support the measure.
Let your voice be heard and the let the special interest groups know that they have you, the Alabama voter, to answer to.