Deadline for award nominees is June 16

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 30, 2005

While the Annual Main Street Summer Supper, slated for June 16 is more than a month away, the Greenville Jaycees need to hear from local citizens soon.

As part of the June festivities, scheduled to take place at the Martin House, the Jaycees will be presenting their Annual John D. Murphy Citizen of the Year Award.

&uot;We are looking for local folks as nominees who are good role models with strong character and ideals, people who are contributing to the betterment of the community,&uot; says T.J. Jernigan of the Greenville Jaycees.

Potential Citizen of the Year candidates must also be residents of the Greenville school district and be involved in the community through church, school, civic groups, chamber of commerce and other community-based activities. Business owner Paul Flubacher was last year's recipient.

&uot;We invite local citizens to make nominations. Then the final decision is made by the Greenville Jaycees and our previous winners,&uot; explains Jernigan.

However, those nominating letters need to be sent in soon.

The deadline for the nominations is May 9.

Nominating letters can be sent to the Greenville Jaycees, P.O. Box 171, Greenville, AL 36037.

&uot;We appreciate everyone supporting us in this effort as we honor one of our own this summer,&uot; says Jernigan.

The Jaycees award is not the only honor to be bestowed that evening.

Greenville Main Street, which annually sponsors the event, will also be presenting its annual Volunteer of the Year and the Great Greenville Main Street Awards.


course, our volunteer award goes to someone in our community who gives of themselves to make this a better place to live – and there are so many people in this area who fit that description,&uot; says Main Street Executive Director Nancy Idland.

Past winners have included Ann Daughtry and Mary Ann Hamilton.

The second award given by Main Street goes to an individual, business or group that has worked to

maintain the integrity of

one of the area’s historic buildings. Previous winners have included Whitney Bank and First Presbyterian Church.

All these honors are scheduled to take place in the beautifully landscaped back yard of Martin House owner Jo Weitman -weather permitting.

&uot;We are planning another festive and entertaining outdoor event, and the public is certainly welcome to come and join us.

"Our meal will feature some wonderful, authentic southern specialties such as fried chicken, corn bread and greens,&uot; says Idland.

Arrangements, to be announced at a later date, for a change of venue will be made in the event of inclement weather, she adds.

Idland encourages the public to attend but asks they do call and make reservations.

For more information on the upcoming Main Street Summer Supper, contact Idland at 382-3041 or 382-8729.