Honor your father every day

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 17, 2005

This Sunday, we will celebrate the joys associated with fatherhood.

It has been said that nothing can really compare with a father's love and we would have to agree with that.

Dads can teach their children so much and they often do.

They teach them about responsibility, honesty, integrity and fair play.

While we get the softer side of life from our mothers, it is our fathers who teach us values.

He is the head of the family and leads by example.

Sadly, there are those who have fathered children and never see their young sons or daughters.

It is often by the situation, but in some cases it is by choice.

But let us not think dark thoughts today, but rather the happy moments we've all shared with our dads.

Whether it was a fast pitch in the backyard or a day by the lake drowning worms.

As we have said in the past, why do people seem to think that dads only want recognition once a year?

What about the Monday after Father's Day?

Or what about the day after Halloween?

The Bible tells us to honor our fathers and mother and so we encourage everyone to do just that. He gave you half your life, so don't you think you owe him just a little of your time?

Also, this Sunday, remember those fathers who are no longer here.

Also, remember those who confined to their homes or in nursing facilities.

If you can't get home to visit your own father, then how about stopping in out there and spending some time with one of those men.

Who knows, you might have some things in common and you might just end up with yourself a new friend.

To our area fathers, we wish you the very happiest and healthiest of Father's Day.