Auditor plans announcement

Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 6, 2005

On Monday, August 8, State Auditor Beth Chapman is slated to make an important announcement on the front steps of the State Capitol. A press conference is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. with the media invited to attend.

Chapman, who is in her first term as state auditor, is expected to announce her candidacy for the office of secretary of state, a position currently held by Nancy Worley. Chapman will run on the Republican ticket.

A Greenville native, Chapman is a graduate of Fort Dale Academy.

She often credits her interest in politics to childhood visits to the county courthouse, where her mother, Joanne Killough, worked, on campaigns for her cousin, a city councilman.

Chapman, a wife and mother of two sons, is the owner of a Birmingham-based public relations and political consulting firm, Beth Chapman and Associates, LLC. She is also author of two well-received books, &uot;The Power of Patriotism&uot; and &uot;She Was My Sister.&uot;