#039;See you at the pole#039; at GMS

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 24, 2005

With a huge crowd in attendance, students at Greenville Middle School gathered Wednesday, Sept. 21, during their break time to pray, sing and have Christian fellowship.

Sept. 21 was the annual 'See You at the Pole,' which was begun in the early 1990s, and is a time set aside each year for students to voluntarily participate in worshiping God.

"This is a student-organized event," Margie Kennedy, former sponsor of the Fellowship of Active Christian Teachers and Students organization and retired GMS teacher, said. "The children put together the program and come out during their break time to participate in devotions to God."

GMS teacher Samantha Stabler is the current FACTS club sponsor.

The students, led by Ben Nelson, a youth minister at Antioch East Baptist Church, sang some beautiful contemporary Christian songs. While Nelson played the guitar, D. J. Hartin played the saxophone. Nelson led the group in prayer, remembering everyone's families, friends, their school and nation.


should be so thankful that we have this opportunity for the kids to come together and worship freely," Nelson said.

"I think this event is great for everybody because they get the chance to learn about God and get to know Him," Hannah Stewart, a GMS seventh-grader, said.

According to Jasmine Bailey, who is in the eighth grade at GMS, the songs are just one of the things she likes about 'See You at the Pole.'

"I wish those who aren't here would come," she said. "I'm

just really glad about everyone who is here to praise God."