-Oct. 6-
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 6, 2005
nPost Meeting
The American Legion Post 4 will meet at the legion hall at 7 p.m. Oct. 6. All guests are invited and welcome to attend.
-Oct. 7-
n McKenzie School Reunion
The McKenzie School Class of 1995 will have its 10-year reunion at 5:30 p.m. in the school's cafeteria. All former classmates and teachers are encouraged and invited to attend.
n Tiger Reunion
The Greenville High undefeated and South Alabama co-Champion Tiger football team of 1955 will be honored Oct. 7 at Tiger Stadium before Greenville's game with Carroll-Ozark.
-Oct. 8-
n 10-0 Tiger Picnic
A picnic will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to honor the unbeaten 1955 Greenville High football team. The Tigers went on to share the South Alabama Conference title with Elba that year. The Tigers will also be honored at a 7 p.m. banquet at Greenville Country Club.
n Central School Reunion
There will be a Central School Reunion on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2005 from 2 p.m. until on the grounds of the Old Central School.
We ask that you bring finger foods and your lawn chairs.
For contact information, call Kathy Hickman Atchison at 382-1458, Kay Mullins Snead at 382-7073, Betty Knight Ray at 382-8203, Gerry Thompson Turner at 382-8989.
Class Meeting
Member of the Greenville High School Class of 1973 will meet on Oct. 8 at 1 pm. at the Pizza Hut. For additional details please call Gloria Moorer Johnson at 382-6967 or Lillian Gardner at 382-2898.
n Yard & Bake Sale
The Call To Life Church will host a yard and bake sale beginning at 7 a.m. Oct. 8 at its 201 Glendale Ave. location in Greenville.
-Oct. 9-
n Reunion
The W.S. Godwin reunion will be held Oct. 9 at Moore Academy Gym in Pine Apple. Family members are encouraged to attend and bring a big basket of good food.
n Liberty Methodist Homecoming
Liberty Methodist Church will celebrate its annual homecoming beginning at 11 a.m. Oct. 9. The speaker will be the Rev. Richard Rouse, who is pastor of Liberty Methodist Church. Lunch will follow. All are invited to attend and worship.
-Oct. 10-
nMaster Cattleman
For those that may be interested, here is a chance for you to learn more about the beef cattle business.
Monroe County Extension Office will host this program conducted by regional Extension agent, Anthony Wiggins.
Beginning Oct. 10, 2005, the class will continue on Monday nights and cover topics including management, forage systems, carcass quality, marketing, reproduction, genetics, nutrition, health and handling, and BQA certification.
For more information, contact the Monroe County Extension Office at 251-575-3477.
n Youth Basketball Registration
Greenville Parks and Recreation will hold registration for youth basketball beginning Oct. 10 at the recreation office from 8 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. through Oct. 21. A fee of $20 per child, $30 for two children and $40 for three or more children of the same household will be charged at the time of registration. Participants my register up to the tryout date of their age group. All participants, who register after Oct. 21, will be charged a $10 late fee.
Tryouts are scheduled for:
n 5:30 p.m. Nov. 1 for Midget boys at Dunbar gym
n 7 p.m. Nov. 1 for Junior boys at Dunbar gym
n 5:30 p.m. Nov. 2 for Senior boys at Dunbar gym
n 5:30 p.m. Nov. 3 for Midget girls at Dunbar gym
n 6:30 p.m. Nov. 7 for Jr&Sr girls at Dunbar gym
n 6 p.m. Nov. 8 for Pee Wee (Co-Ed) at Dunbar gym
n 6 p.m. Nov. 10 for Termites (Co-Ed) at Dunbar gym
Call 382-3031 for more information.
-Oct. 14-
n Athletic Club Sack Lunch
The Greenville High Athletic Club will host its annual barbecue sack lunch from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 14. Tickets, which are $5 per sack, can be purchased from any Greenville High Athletic Club member or purchased on site at Tiger Stadium. The lunch includes a barbecue sandwich, chips, drink and dessert.
-Oct. 17-
n Parents Day
Greenville Middle School invites all parents to its annual parents day to meet with teachers. A special workshop will be given from 10:15-11 a.m. Door prizes will be given, and refreshments will be served.
-Oct. 20-
n Cultural Diversity Workshop
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College in Greenville and Alabama Public Television are registering adults for a childcare workshop that deals with cultural diversity. You must preregister for the class by Oct. 20. The class will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Greenville campus of LBW. The class is free. Call Linda Adams at 383-6705 or Elizabeth Page at 881-2309.
n Board of Education Meeting
The Butler County Board of Education will hold its regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. Oct. 20 at the central office board room at 215 Administrative Drive in Greenville. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
n FFA Blood Drive
The Future Farmers of America will hold a blood drive at McKenzie School from 8 a.m. to noon Oct. 20. Eligible donors are encouraged to give blood. For more information, contact the school at 374-2711.
-Oct. 25-
n Butler County College/Career Day
Butler County College/Career Day, which is held at Greenville High School for Georgiana High School, Greenville High School and McKenzie School seniors and juniors, will be Oct. 25.
-Ongoing Announcements-
n County Commission
The meeting time for the Butler County Commission's regularly scheduled second-Monday meetings has been changed from 10 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Workshops for each regularly scheduled meeting will still be held on the prior Thursday at 6 p.m.
n Athletic Club Meeting
The public is invited to participate in the weekly scheduled Greenville High Athletic Club meetings at 6 p.m. each Monday in the high school cafeteria. The public is encouraged to attend and share ideas toward building a championship-level athletic department.
n 21st Century Afterschool Program
The Butler County Board of Education will be offering a 21st Century Afterschool Program for K-8th grade students Monday-Friday until 5 p.m. at W.O. Parmer, Greenville Elementary, and at the Education and Community Center for Greenville Middle School students.
Certified teachers assist with homework and offer learning activities which are fun and educational. Tuition is $25 per month. Registration forms are available at each of the sites.
Classes begin Aug. 10. Contact Gerry Adair or Amy Bryan at 382-2665 for more information.
n GHS Child Care
Greenville High School Child Care is accepting applications for the 3- to 4-year-old daycare program for 2005-2006 school year.
For more information, call Pat Gibson or Glinda Parmer at 382-2608 ext. 5 or 382-2665.
n Greenville Lions Club
The Greenville Lions Club meets every Monday at the Boys & Girls Club at noon.
Those interested should call 382-8000.
n Greenville Kiwanis Club
The Greenville Kiwanis Club meets every Tuesday at the Greenville Fairgrounds at noon.
n Adult Education Classes
Adult education classes are now underway for those who need to obtain a GED or strengthen their educational skills. The classes are free and taught on an individualized basis. Classes meet every Monday and Tuesday at the following locations:
LBW Community College,
Greenville campus – 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Old Greenville High School - 6-8 p.m.
Georgiana High School: 6-8:30 p.m. Contact Ronald Shanks at (334) 382-6009 or LBW’s Greenville campus at (334) 382-2133, ext. 3101.
n Prayer Breakfast
The Lowndes-Butler County men’s interdenominational prayer breakfast is held at 8 a.m. each Wednesday at Priester's Pecans in Fort Deposit.
All who are interested in praying for our community and are seeking Christian fellowship are encouraged to attend. Ladies are welcome on the first Wednesday of each month. Call Doyle Sasser at 391-0351.
n GHS Class of 1961
The GHS class of 1961 is planning a 45th reunion. If you have not received any information about this, contact Joe Haygood at (334) 382-2727 or Phyllis Armstrong at (334) 382-8239.
n Haunted Firehouse
The Greenville Firefighters Association presents its Second Annual Haunted Firehouse from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. each Friday and Saturday night Oct. 1 through Oct. 31 at its expanded location at 1198 Norman Road. Admission is $5; not recommended for children 7 and under. For more info, contact 382-9529 after 6 p.m.
Calendar items are published free as a service to our community. Fax to 382-7104 or email to editor@greenvilleadvocate.com. or mail to P.O. Box 507, Greenville, AL 36037.
Items should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event and no later than noon on Thursday prior to a Saturday publication or Friday at noon for a Wednesday publication.
The Advocate reserves the right to edit or content or for space.
No Butler Bulletin will be taken via telephone.