Nothing silly about life#039;s moments

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Thornton Wilder's play &#8220Our Town” is a wonderful representation of small-town life, with characters and situations that can be found in any small town anywhere in the United States. Even though it takes place in Grover's Corners, New Hampshire, it could just as easily have taken place in Greenville, Ala.

At the beginning of the third act, Emily, a young woman who is one of the main characters, has just died, and she is taking her place in the cemetery with other family members, neighbors and friends who have also passed away. She wishes to return to Earth and relive just one day. She returns to her twelfth birthday, only to painfully realize that the living do not stop long enough to truly look at one another and appreciate everything around them at that very moment.

She returns to her grave now knowing that the living take for granted the very life they possess.

With Thanksgiving upon us, I know it is on everyone's mind to make that list of things to be thankful for. If it's not, it should be.

Just like Grover's Corners, there is so much to be thankful for right here in Greenville. Of course, I'm thankful for my family and my friends. That goes without saying. I'm talking about the little things we take for granted every single day.

I ride by the Ritz Theatre, and I think about standing in that long line waiting to see &#8220Jaws,” and I smile. Right next to it is the Alabama Grill where my dad drank coffee every day with some very special people. Mr. Ed Jernigan and Mr. Charlie Jones are two of those.

It's amazing what may seem silly to some people seems very important to others.

For example, I love spending time with Mr. Ed. Every time I see him, I look down at his shoes because they are exactly like the shoes my dad wore.

Like I said, it may sound silly to some, but not to me.

When I drive downtown and ride by New York Life Insurance Co., I think about Mr. Charlie Jones and I smile. I may not see him all the time, but there is something comforting in knowing that he's right there.

It's talking with Judy Taylor at the library. It's getting the same nice server at Cracker Barrel every Saturday. It's walking through Confederate Park and remembering the pet shows the city used to have during the summers. I always entered my cats. Still have all the ribbons I won, too. It's hot coffee and hot chocolate during the winter and cool showers during the summer, just like Emily said. Just how many things do we take for granted every single day?

Now, I'm going to shift gears completely, so hold on.

I decided this year to make a second list.

These are some of the things and/or people I am NOT thankful for:

n People who burn the American flag.

n Drive-thru cashiers who don't say, &#8220Thank you.”

n &#8220Growing Up Gotti.”

n Michael Moore documentaries.

n People who strap a bomb to themselves and kill in the name of Allah.

n Flat tires.

n Eminem.

n Hillary Rodham Clinton.

n Present-day MTV.

n Cindy Sheehan.

n People who drive too fast and have no car insurance.

n A broken air conditioner.

n Paris Hilton.

May we all appreciate life every single moment that we live it and not take anything or anyone for granted.

Regina Grayson is a reporter with the Greenville Advocate.

She can be reached at 334-383-9302, ext. 126 or via e-mail at