Man shot twice after Friday argument

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 26, 2006

A man was shot twice during an Oglesby St. altercation on Friday night, according to Greenville police.

Antonio Simpson, 27, received two gun shot wounds from a Marlin .22 caliber semi-automatic rifle at approximately 6 p.m. on Friday evening. Police reports said Simpson and Willie James Thomas, 67, of Pine Apple Highway, started fighting when Simpson arrived home to find Thomas arguing with his girlfriend.

Simpson was transported to L.V Stabler Memorial Hospital for care after the incident. Doctors told police that Simpson received two shots in the left side of his rib cage.

The two men's statements to police tell differing stories.

Thomas told police he had stopped to deliver wood to an Oglesby St. address, when he became involved in an argument with Simpson's girlfriend. He said the girlfriend picked up a stick and attempted to hit him and he went and retrieved a black nightstick from his car.

He states that during the argument, Simpson, and possibly another individual, jumped onto his back, knocking him down. After being struck repeatedly in the face, Thomas said he was told to leave the property and when he tried to do so, Simpson chased after him. He said he then stopped and removed his .22 caliber rifle from the trunk of his car.

Simpson said he arrived at his residence in the car of Antonio Rhodes to find Thomas holding a black stick and arguing with his girlfriend. He said he jumped on Thomas' back to subdue him and get the stick out of his hands. After knocking Thomas to the ground, Simpson said he told him to leave and never come back.

Thomas backed his vehicle away from the house, but Simpson said he returned a minute later carrying a rifle. He said Thomas fired once, nearly hitting Simpson's girlfriend and he started wrestling with Thomas, trying to get the gun away from him. Simpson said Thomas turned the gun around and shot him twice.

He said Rhodes carried him to the hospital and he didn't know what happened to the weapon after he was shot.

Greenville police spokesperson Lt. Anthony Barganier said the matter is under investigation by the criminal investigation unit. He said, as of Monday, Simpson was still undergoing treatment at the hospital.