Painting a personal picture of the county

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 3, 2006

Today's edition is special because it is the Horizons 2006 edition of The Luverne Journal. I truly hope that you enjoy all of the special stories that have been gathered for today's edition.

I would first like to offer a special word of thanks to everyone who helped to make Horizons 2006 possible. I had some extra help from special people like Nancy Petrey, Alvin Bland and Ann Grier.

What made this extra special, however, was being given the chance to meet so many new faces in Crenshaw County.

First of all, I want to give a special thanks to Mr. Alvin Bland and Mr. James Morgan for all of their help and support since I came to The Journal. Both of them always have a smile and a word of encouragement for me no matter what kind of day I'm having. I'm no dummyŠ.I know words of wisdom when I hear them.

Ann Grier and Nancy Petrey deserve extra praise for all of the hard work they do for the newspaper. I hope they know just how much I appreciate their help, but especially their friendship.

Having taught high school for 13 years, I already knew just how busy Mr. Earl Franks was, but to watch him with his palm pilot was really quite humorous. He sure is proud of that thing. It was almost like watching a kid with a new toy, and I mean that with the utmost respect. Luverne School is very fortunate to have Mr. Franks.

I guess by now everyone knows that Rutledge has a new hotel, the Best Western Rutledge Inn. But, what you might not know is that two of the nicest people work there, Carol Simmons, the general manager, and Mark Richards, co-owner and operator. Carol is always so sweet every time I talk with her, and Mark will keep you laughing. And, for those of you who have a pond, please take Mark fishing sometimes. That man loves to fish. These are two new faces to Crenshaw County, and you should stop by the hotel and just say, &#8220Hello,” and welcome them to their new home.

Jim McKnight, Crenshaw Community Hospital's administrator, is one of the most congenial people I've met. Talk about someone who always has a smile on his face. We had the most fun rearranging his desk with all of his Florida State University Seminole's paraphernalia.

Actually, when I grow up, I want to be a female wrestler and maybe I could be The Lady Assassin #2 and team up with Pete Hayes from the It Don't Matter Restaurant in Highland Home. To show you how small this world really is, I soon discovered that Pete had graduated high school with my older brother, Britt Grayson. That interview was really fun, but don't let him come at you with a chairŠŠ

Now, Miss Verbie Holston, who is 82 years young, is an inspiration for us all. If I'm blessed to live to be that age, I hope that I will have it in my heart to want to give to others just as she has done all her life.

And, if you get the chance, you should stop by the LBWCC Luverne Center campus and visit with Laura Elliott, the director. Laura and I discovered that we have a lot in common, including tension headaches. Now, you know when two southern girls get together, they start talking and sharing. Talk about making me feel welcome to the community. Laura is the sweetest person.

Keenar Kelley, who is Billy Sexton's daughter, and I have agreed that losing a parent is one of the hardest things we have to face in life. We talked about the losses of her mother and of my dad and how you just never get over it. You just don't.

Well, here again, I hope you enjoy today's Horizons 2006 edition of The Luverne Journal. It's just a small piece of you through my eyes. And I loved what I saw.

Regina Grayson is managing editor of The Luverne Journal. She can be reached at 335-3541 or by email,: