Library volunteers honored with reception

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 20, 2006

Five very special ladies were honored with a reception Tuesday afternoon, April 4, at the Luverne Public Library in conjunction with National Library Week, April 3 - 8.

Lee Haugh, Eleanor Boswell, Carolyn Henry, Cynthia Williamson and Phyllis Ray are volunteers at the library, and each lady received special recognition during the afternoon tea.

&#8220You are so valuable to us here at the library, and I know that we just don't say it enough,” Rene Lester, Library Director, said. &#8220All of you do a little bit of everything, and we are so grateful to you, and our patrons are also grateful for all that you do.”

Each volunteer received a gift bag that included a volunteer pin, a package of flower seeds that said, &#8220You deserve a bouquet of thanks,” and a stationery and pen set inscribed with, &#8220Volunteers plant seeds of kinds.”

Lester presented each volunteer with a corsage of double roses trimmed with white ribbon to wear during the reception.

Luverne Mayor Joe Rex Sport was on hand to present each lady with a framed certificate of appreciation.

&#8220The Luverne City Council and I have adopted a resolution to recognize these volunteers and to show our appreciation to them for their services to the City of Luverne, and a copy of this resolution was officially placed in the March 26 city council minutes,” Sport said. &#8220We want you to know just how much we appreciate what you do for the library, and we want to give you a very big ‘thank you' for your work and your time.”

Sport said that Cynthia Williamson was &#8220imported” from Brantley several years ago and was a personal friend. She has served as a volunteer for the library for the last few months.

&#8220I retired from the Department of Human Resources after 25 years,” Williamson said. &#8220I decided I needed something to do. I wanted to do something beneficial to help people; plus, I really enjoy meeting people.”

Williamson volunteers on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 until 3:30.

Sport said that Carolyn Henry was &#8220raised in Luverne, then she left us, and then moved back.”

&#8220She's a big asset to us,” he said.

Lee Haugh, who has put in approximately 2,676 hours of volunteer work since 1994, said that she loves being at the library.

&#8220It's very rewarding to be involved with it,” Haugh said. &#8220I have thoroughly enjoyed volunteering here.”

Lester said that Haugh can &#8220handle the library on her own whenever I'm not here.”

&#8220She's very meticulous in her work,” Lester said.

Sport said that Haugh was his backyard neighbor, and that he could always see her working in her yard.

&#8220She has the neatest yard,” he said, smiling.

Sport presented Eleanor Boswell with her framed certificate.

&#8220I was raised in her (Boswell's) community,” he said. &#8220I've known her just about all of my life, and I appreciate everything she has done for us.”

Volunteer Phyllis Ray was unable to attend the reception.

Library Board Chairman and city attorney Mike Jones was also on hand for the gathering.

&#8220This library is such an asset to the community, and you are, too,” Jones said. &#8220We appreciate what you have done and the hours you have given. We couldn't do it without you.”

Boswell, Haugh, Henry and Ray have been volunteers at the library since approximately 1994.

After the presentations, everyone enjoyed refreshments, which included nuts, butter mints, chocolates, and a vanilla sheet cake decorated with ornate pink roses, which was made by Library Assistant Director Kathryn Tomlin.