GHS art students take show honors

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 11, 2006

Artwork by beginning and advanced art students at Greenville High School was spotlighted last week during an art show in the library.

Senior Art Show winners were senior Joe Bradley, who took first place with his pointillism portrait, &#8220Eyes;” Blake Pierce, a junior, took second place with his work, &#8220Sign Language,” and Bennie Lewis won third place with his drawing, &#8220Pouting Child.”

Honorable mentions were awarded to senior Chris McGough for his &#8220Four-Pane Face,” senior Barney Avenath's &#8220Butterfly Henry” and Blake Pierce's &#8220Eggs.”

It was junior Tanner Poole's detailed colored pencil drawing, &#8220Duck,” that took Best of Show honors.

&#8220Tanner's duck recently took second place in a stamp competition and we are very proud of that,” GHS art instructor Stacey Edwards said.

The Mini Art Show required all entries to be the size of a dollar bill. Abbie Mullins, a sophomore, won first place with her drawing, &#8220Hands With Key,” while Tanner Poole took second place honors with his colorful &#8220Parrot.”

Sophomore Kayla Johnson was awarded third place for her color pencil drawing, &#8220Eye.”

Honorable mentions went to junior Shamika McDonald for her watercolor, &#8220Cow Skull,” and to sophomore Brandy Roper for her watercolor, &#8220Rose.”

Edwards' senior art students voted on the winners in the Art II Competition.

In the category of black and white drawings, Abbie Mullins took first place with &#8220Girl With Curl.”

Kayla Johnson was awarded second place for &#8220Big Flowers,” while Dominique Gray took third place for &#8220Hose Spray.”

Honorable mentions were awarded to Brittany Stanford's portrait, &#8220John Lennon,” Kayla Johnson's &#8220Lady's Face” and Andrew Allen Godwin's &#8220Hands.”

In the category of color drawings, Mardredia

Thomas took first place for her &#8220Frida Kahlo;” Brandy Roper was awarded second place for &#8220Watercolor Skull” and &#8220Hands” by Andrew Allen Godwin took third place.

Honorable Mentions were given to &#8220Unfinished Flag” by Brandy Roper and &#8220Dark Flag” by Lane Parrish, &#8220Leaf” by Willie Murphy and &#8220Abstract Letters” by Dominque Gray.

Abbie Mullins' whimsical drawing &#8220Monkey” took Best of Show honors.

For the Principal's Choice Award, Dr. Kathy Murphy chose Olivia Glenn's &#8220Portrait.”

&#8220I am proud of all my students. Some of my Art II students are actually better than my seniors – they can do some phenomenal work,” Edwards said.