MHS, Georgiana projects on-track for completion
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 25, 2006
During its regularly scheduled meeting the Butler County Board of Education heard an update regarding on-going construction projects in the school system.
Wayne Boswell, Administrative Assistant for Operations, said work on Georgiana High School's football stadium is 50 percent complete with renovation just starting on McKenzie High School's gymnasium project.
Ten percent of the work at McKenzie is done, said Boswell, with the foundation laid and installation of plumbing scheduled to start this week. Renovations include the gym lobby and restrooms and will cost $321,000.
Scheduled completion date is September.
Construction on Georgiana's Harmon Field is proceeding, said Boswell.
Officials gave the go-ahead on a project to remove the entire home concrete bleachers section, a project that was halted in March because of dispute between the contractor and board.
During graduation ceremonies at GHS in May, parents and family watched from the visitors' side and temporary bleachers were brought in to handle the overflow crowd.
The dispute solved, workers remobilized in late May.
Boswell said the ramp to accommodate the disabled is complete and three sections of the concrete bleachers had been poured.
In other business:
n The board recognized system teachers Donna Byrd and Kathy Pickens as WAKA Golden Apple Award Winners, and Laura Mullins as Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year.
n The board approved two policy changes.
The first concerned homeless, migrant, and non-English speaking admission, with the additional statement added: “Anyone dissatisfied with the enrollment process of homeless children and youth may appeal this to the Butler County Board of Education at the central office and/or the Alabama Department of Education, Federal Programs Section.”
The second added policy strictly prohibits students or adults from charging for meals offered under the Child Nutrition Program.
n Approved membership renewal in the Alabama Association of School Boards.
n Declared obsolete computer equipment and a 2004 Jinna 200 Tractor as surplus equipment.