Housing for movie crew still needed
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 17, 2006
Do you have a furnished property available for rental? If so, the production staff of the upcoming film “Honeydripper” just may want to talk to you.
Staff members are currently looking for one to three-bedroom apartments and homes in the area that can be rented for approximately three months this fall.
These homes would be used to staff the film's crewmembers. They would not be used for interior or exterior use in the actual film.
The production staff does have some specifications, however.
“We prefer these homes to be furnished, with kitchen appliances and a washer and dryer. That would be perfect,” production staff member Erin Borel said.
However, Borel stresses they are not looking for someone who is planning to simply “pack a suitcase and move in with a relative” during the production process.
“These crew members will be living here those three months and many will bring their families with them. So you can see having a lot of personal effects in place wouldn't work,” Borel said.
“Just the basics in place - furniture and appliances - is what we ideally need.”
With the area's largest apartment complex, Cambrian Ridge, full to the brim, the production team urgently needs to hear from those who have rental property available in the area.
This doesn't mean the “sky is the limit” on rental fees. Like the rest of the population, the filmmakers do have a budget to stick to.
“There have been some outlandish rumors going around about us paying $ 3,500 a month. We wouldn't pay that much in Los Angeles,” Borel said.
“We will certainly pay what is comparable to what homes and apartments rent for in this area.
Obviously, a larger or nicer place would rent for more. We will be fair.”
In other “Honeydripper” news, the crew is still looking for cotton fields to use for location shooting.
For more information, contact the production office at 371-6400 or stop in their Whitney Bank (Old First National) location on Commerce St. in Greenville.