City wraps up paving project for #8216;07
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 16, 2006
Smoother streets and roads can be enjoyed throughout Greenville, thanks to the recent completion of a large-scale paving project
in the Camellia City.
Crews worked on a portion of New Searcy Road on the morning of November 2, wrapping up the project, which had taken approximately seven work days to complete, project foreman Allen Powell said.
“Because of weather delays and other reasons, the men were working off and on over a period of a month to get it all done They got a lot accomplished in that time.”
The paving project included the following streets:
New Searcy Road (to the city limit sign); Hardscramble Road; Beeland Street (Conecuh St. to Steele Circle to Thames St.); Steele St.; Hill St. (to Flowers St.); Riegel St. (Flowers St. to Steele Circle); Hill Circle (entire); Day Park (parking lot); Independent Street (Wood Valley to Bala Clava); Bala Clava Drive (to Gamble St.); Interstate Drive (Segment 1 - Fort Dale Rd. to Chevrolet sign); Interstate Drive (Segment 2); Overlook (Segments 1,2,3); Manningham Loop Road (Hwy 10 to city limit sign); Perdue Place; Bolling St. (Herbert to Norvell); new parking lot at the Board of Education; Board of Education driveway, Greenville High School.
Some 5,780 tons of asphalt were poured during the project, which winds up the street projects for 2007, Powell said.
“We are gradually putting the stop bars back in, but that's it for this calendar year.”
Mayor Dexter McLendon said he leaves it to the city street department to decide which streets need the most attention each year.
“They make the decision, and then we try to get as many streets as we possibly can get done with the money allotted to us,” McLendon said.
The mayor said the city plans to return to a schedule of once-a-year paving projects in the future.
“If we can get areas taken care of before they get to be a big problem, that will be a plus for us.”