-December 16-
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 20, 2006
n Georgiana Community Christmas Dinner
A free Christmas dinner and time of fellowship is offered to the citizens of Georgiana at 1 p.m., Sat., December 16 at the Georgiana Community House. The event is sponsored by the friends of the Georgiana Community. For more info, contact Betty Pugh at 376-9115 or Sherry Paige at 453-1537.
n Yuletide Concert
The Christian Education Department of the Greenville District is presenting the Saint Paul Baptist Church Choir in a Yuletide Musical Concert at the Butler Chapel AME Zion Church at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16. The public is invited.
n First Annual Christmas Bazaar
The Georgiana Children’s Depot Youth Center is sponsoring a Christmas Bazaar from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 230 Washington Avenue on Saturday, Dec. 16.
Come, look and buy – it’s a joyous time! Come join us and support this worthy cause. Contact Mary Bellamy, GCDY Center at 376-2505 for more info.
n Red and Black Holiday Extravaganza
Warrior Ministries hosts a Red and Black Holiday Extravaganza at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16 at the Dunbar Rec Center. Tickets are $20; table of eight $150. Semi-formal attire in red and black is requested for this evening of dinner, drama, music and door prizes. Bring new unwrapped toys for &uot;Toys for Tots.&uot; Ministries and groups may decorate a tree for Christmas Tree Village. All proceeds to benefit the YME Scholarship Fund. For more info, got to www.warrior-ministries.org or call Carolyn Griffin at (334)-383-9732.
-December 17-
n Musical at FBC Georgiana
&uot;The Thrill of Hope&uot; will be presented at 3 p.m. Sunday, December 17 at First Baptist of Georgiana, featuring combined choirs of Mt. Pleasant Baptist, First Methodist of Georgiana and FBC Georgiana.
-December 26-
n Kwanzaa Celebration at Dunbar
A Kwanzaa celebration is slated for 6 p.m., Dec. 26 at the Dunbar Rec Center in Greenville. Contact Hattie Brown at 382-2892 for more info.
-December 29-
n Warrior Ministries Singles Conference 2006
A singles conference will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 29 and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 30 at the St. Paul Baptist Church (Rev. Scott Miller, pastor), 207 Bolling St., Greenville. Special guest speaker will be Rev. Thomas Jones of the Potter’s House Fellowship, Jacksonville, Fla. For more info, contact Carolyn Griffin at 383-9732 or go to www.warrior-ministries.org.
-January 6-
n Ms. Glorious Gospel Lady Pageant
This event has been cancelled.
-January 18-
n The Hoppers Heritage Tour Night
The legendary Hoppers will be performing at 7:30 p.m. at &uot;The Church in the Brook,&uot; 2890 Hwy 14, Millbrook, as they celebrate 50 years in gospel music. Love offering taken. For more info, contact Donnie Till at (334) 207-0255.
-Ongoing Announcement-
n Umpires needed
Baseball and softball umpires for Greenville P & R and high school. NO experience needed; we will train you. If interested, contact the Butler County Umpire Association at 334-417-7634 (Robert) or 334-437-2896 (Eddie). Next meeting is set for 7 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 28 at the YMCA.
n Attention taxpayers
Don’t forget to claim homestead. There are several homesteads, including regular and homesteads for people over 65, and you may be entitled. To claim the over-65 exemption you need to bring your 2005 federal and state tax return. This exemption also applies to the disabled. Taxpayers that are classified as disabled must bring a statement from two doctors stating you are totally disabled. If you have purchased a home or built a new home in the past year, you should claim exemption. If you own acreage (five acres or above) you need to claim Current Use. This is a break from paying on the appraisal value.
n January Community Classes
The Butler County BOE announces its January community classes. All classes take place at the Education and Community Learning Center (the old GHS campus). For more info, call Kathy Atchison at 382-5199.
n Income Tax Tips, Rheta McClain, $5 fee, Tuesday, Jan. 23
n Microsoft Excel, Mark McClaney, 3 sessions, $15 fee, Tuesdays, Jan. 16, 23, 30
n Healthy Menu Planning for Weight Loss, Ada Sue Thompson, $5 fee, Monday, Jan. 22
n Weight Loss Secrets and Support, Lisa Nimmer, 3 sessions, $15 fee, Tuesdays, Jan. 16, 23, 30
n One-Stroke Painting, Yvonne Johnson, $10 fee, Monday, Jan. 22
n Praying with Dimple
Dimple McInvale will lead a prayer time each Sunday afternoon from 3:30 to 4 p.m. on air at WGYV, 1380 AM. Topics include: healing the sick, casting out demons, praying for local schools, churches, nursing homes; breaking witchcraft curses, family curses; praying for lost family members, prayers to raise the dead, praying in million dollar miracle for business, church or ministry.
Pray along with Dimple and expect great miracles. Mail personal prayer requests to Dimple McInvale Ministries, P.O. Box 267, Georgiana, AL 36033.
n Food Drive at Manpower
Manpower, 403 East Commerce St., is holding a canned food drive for Xmas. Food will be donated to families in need in Butler County. The drive continues through Tuesday, Dec. 12 at noon. Boxes are set up in the office for donations. Thanks for your help.
n MOPS at Southside
Moms who need a break are invited to join MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) at Southside Baptist Church. Meetings begin January 2007. Teaching, discussion, creative projects, and community are offered for all mothers with children from birth through kindergarten. Child care is provided. We will meet twice a month on Mondays from 9-1(optional evening meetings TBA). Registration forms may be picked up at Southside Baptist Church. Contact Erica at 382-0465 for more info.
n Disabled American Veterans seek new members
The Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit 67 is seeking new members. The unit meets every fourth Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Building at the Butler County Fairgrounds.
The unit also has a junior program for ages newborn to age 17.
The unit won first place for community service in the 10 to 50-member category at state competition.
Unit 67 Commander is Alberta Johnson.
n Adult Education Classes
The ADPE through the LBWCC Adult Education Consortium is offering classes for adults who did not complete their high school education or need to strengthen educational and job skills.
Classes meet on Monday and Tuesday at the following locations:
LBW CC – Greenville Campus – 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Old Greenville High Campus (BCECC) – 6 to 8:30 p.m.
For more info, contact Ronald Shanks at 382-6009 or LBWCC at 382-2133, Ext. 3101.
n Family Day Care Classes
Anyone interested in becoming a Family Day Care Provider should contact the Family Guidance Center to enroll in Introduction to Family Day Care Class. Contact FGC of Alabama at 1-800-499-6597, ext. 237 or Healthy Kids 334-382-2104 for more information.
n Community Prayer Breakfast
A community prayer breakfast is held the first Wednesday of each month at 8 a.m. inn the Priester’s Pecans dining area. Special guests share a variety of Christian topics each month. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring a friend. Call 713-816-7619 for more information.
n Butler County Chess Club
The Greenville Chess Club meets on Monday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Butler Baptist Associational Office, 309 South Pine Street.
Local chess players or those who would like to learn how to play are welcome.
Call Jim Griffin at 382-2513 or 382-0635 for more information.
n County Commission
The meeting time for the Butler County Commission’s regularly scheduled second-Monday meetings has been changed from 10 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Workshops for each regularly scheduled meeting will still be held on the prior Thursday at 6 p.m.
n Athletic Club Meeting
The public is invited to participate at scheduled Greenville High Athletic Club meetings at 6 p.m. every other Monday in the high school cafeteria. The public is encouraged to attend and share ideas toward building a championship-level athletic department.
n 21st Century After School Program
The Butler County School System will offer after school programs for K-8th grade students beginning August 14. Programs are available Mondays – Fridays through 5 p.m. for $25 per month at each of the following schools: W.O. Parmer, Greenville Elementary, Greenville Middle, R.L. Austin, and Georgiana High (7th & 8th grades). Registration is available at the school offices, at the Education & Community Center, and at www.butlerco.k12.al.us
(community education section). Registrations must be in by Aug. 10th and after school programs begin on August 14. For more information, call Amy Bryan or Kathy Atchison at 382-5199 or Fay Stokes at 382-2665.
Calendar items are published free as a service to our community. Fax to 382-7104 or email to editor@greenvilleadvocate.com. or mail to P.O. Box 507, Greenville, AL 36037.
Items should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event and no later than noon on Thursday prior to a Saturday publication or Friday at noon for a Wednesday publication.
The Advocate reserves the right to edit or content or for space.
No Butler Bulletin will be taken via telephone.