Tourney winners honored by council
Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 31, 2007
At Monday night's Greenville City Council meeting, a sweep of both the winner and runner-up spots for the ARPA State Basketball Tourney brought special recognition to the young Greenvillians who “hooped” their way to the top.
Each of the players in the 18-and-under league for the City of Greenville P&R Department was recognized individually by the council. Each received a special certificate from Mayor Dexter McLendon, who lauded the young men for their superior performance at the state tournament.
“I want you fellows to go out for basketball at the high school next year, to keep up your grades, play on the team and win a championship - I'll have something else for you then,” McLendon promised the young basketball standouts.
During a public hearing held prior to the meeting, a resolution accepting closure of the Hwashin America Land Acquisition Grant was adopted.
The city had contracted with ADECA in 2003 for a $500,000 grant to purchase a 62-plus acre site for the Hwashin location, with the city committing to the creation of 300 new jobs (plus or minus 10 percent).
Stacy Webb of ADECA stated the plant currently employs 289 people with “the city fulfilling its commitment to job creation.”
Webb said all project files had been successfully audited.
Mayor McLendon noted Hwashin America has employed as many as 330 people at its Greenville plant.
“Those numbers do fluctuate. It depends on how many people they have working part-time at any given time.”
In new business:
… City audit reports prepared by Branum and Company for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, were adopted and approved by the council.
… A transfer of $40,000 in funds from “Finance Miscellaneous” to “Allocation-LBW Conference Center” was approved, with one abstention (Dr. Jean Thompson).
… A hanger lease agreement format for leasing hangers at the Mack Crenshaw Memorial Airport was adopted.
… A bid was awarded for the purchase of asphalt for 2007-2008 from APAC (lone bidder) for $44.50 per 429 1/2 Surface Esal A Mix, $47.00 per 1/2 Surface Esal A Virgin Mix, $44.50 per 429 1 Binder A Mix and $76.00 for 327 Cold Mix.
… A bid was awarded for the purchase of concrete products for 2007-2008 to Couch Ready Mix USA for $78.00 per regular 3000 Concrete Mix, $82.00 per regular 3000 Concrete Mix with fibermesh, $88 per curb mix and $92 per curb mix with fibermesh.
… A bid was awarded for the automated fueling system purchase of unleaded gasoline, on-road diesel and off-road diesel fuel to Middleton Oil Company at $2.0724 for mid-grade unleaded, $2.0382 for on-road diesel and $1.8082 for off-road diesel.
… A contract was awarded to Nuisance Animal Control, Inc. for beaver control (lone bid of $1250.00 per month, or $15,000 per year).
… A resolution approving issuance of retail table wine and retail beer (on/off premises) ABC licenses for Janis Autrey Newton d/b/a The Chef's Table, located at 207 Commerce St.