Council wants old houses gone

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 26, 2007


Dilapidated houses and buildings in the Baptist Hill area may soon come down if the City of Greenville gets a new grant.

The issue deals was a topic at the regular City Council meeting held Monday at City Hall. A resolution was approved that authorized Mayor Dexter McLendon to apply on behalf of Greenville for a Community Development Block Grant through the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA).

The resolution calls for an application for the CDBG in the amount of $250,000. If approved, the city will provide matching funds in the amount of $25,000.

Mayor McLendon said there have already been two successful rehabilitation projects in the Methodist Hill neighborhood and one in the Baptist Hill neighborhood. Now, it's time to deal with homes and buildings beyond rehabilitation.

&#8220There are a number of dilapidated houses around town that need to be brought down,” McLendon told the Council.  &#8220It's important that we stress that this grant will not be used to fix up the house, but to tear them down.”

He said these houses could become a haven for criminal activity and pose a danger to public safety.  The Council voted unanimously to approve the resolution.

Another item on the agenda dealt with a new railroad crossing on County Road 22 also known as Kolb City

Road. McLendon said CSX is going to install a new crossing on the road that will include crossing gates. The City will not be responsible for any funds for the crossing, but will maintain signs on the highway approaching the crossing. Also, the pavement markings will be the responsibility of the City.

&#8220CSX is going to spend a lot of money installing the crossing,” McLendon said.  &#8220Our sole responsibility will be the signs and pavement markings.”

The Council also approved the resolution.

The Council also approved an ordinance that will allow the Water Works and Sewer Board to sell two pieces of property behind Fort Dale Academy. McLendon told the Council that Fort Dale plans to purchase the property because of its location is near the new sports center.

Councilmember Jean Thompson asked if this would allow someone to bring another road through the Woodland

Heights subdivision, but McLendon assured her that was not the case.  He said he thought by Fort Dale purchasing the property that would prevent that from happening. Councilmember Ed Sims agreed and said from what he understood that was exactly why the property was wanted, to prevent any other roads from being put in.

The Council did a voice vote and all were unanimous in the decision.

In other business, the Council took the following action:

T Approved a resolution authorizing the addition of two street lights in the Knollwood Subdivision. The increase will total an additional $130.08 per year paid to Alabama Power.

T. Approved a resolution authorizing the issuance of an ABC license for DRS Properties, owners of the new QV located in the old Exxon building at 1011 Fort Dale Road. The license covers the off premise sale of beer.

T. Approved payment to Azar's Uniforms, Inc. for $2,090 for 19 uniform jackets for the Greenville Fire Department.

T. Approved payment to the Greenville YMCA for $9,000 for chemicals used to maintain the pool at Beeland

Park for the summer.

The next Council meeting will be held on Monday, Aug. 13, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council chambers.