Chamber After Hours slated for Tomatoes, Etc.
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 28, 2007
Several of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce's Camellia Girls traveled to the Capitol City Friday with GACOC Director Francine Wasden and city officials for a reception unveiling the new Alabama Advantage Magazine.
“This magazine formerly emphasized senior citizens and drawing retirees to our state. Now, with the automobile industry coming here and new jobs being created, they are shifting focus to a different audience. It should be an interesting and exciting event and a chance to share what we have to offer in Greenville,” GACOC Director Francine Wasden said on Thursday.
An upcoming event for the GACOC in Greenville is the Chamber After Hours for Tomatoes, Etc. on Cahaba Road, one of the city's newest businesses.
The event is slated for August 9 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.