Sales total $86K at fair

Published 12:30 am Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Kiwanis Covington County Fair brought in more than $86,000 in revenues last week, taking advantage of mostly beautiful weather to maximize attendance at the seven-day event.

“It was a very good fair,” said Jay Farrington, president of the Kiwanis Club’s 2009 fair board. “We had good crowds every day except for (Thursday) with the rainy weather. But if you can hold a fair over a week and only have one bad day, then you’ll take that every time.”

A total of $38,474 was brought in from admission, with nearly half of that take coming on Saturday ($15,866). Thursday, which was marred by rainy weather that forced the midway to be closed, brought in $708 in admission. Over the week, a total of 11,960 tickets were sold.

The club also collected revenue from concessions ($9764.87), corporate and advanced tickets ($2,309), corporate sponsorships (approximately $4,000), corporate booth exhibits ($9,000) and the club’s percentage of midway sales ($22,700).

Last year, the fair had revenues of $94,722.

A report of this year’s expenses was not readily available Monday. In the past five years, expenses have averaged about $25,876.

“A lot of people went into making this year’s fair a success,” Farrington said. “I’d like to especially thank the members of Kiwanis for all their work before, during and after the fair.”