$129K in property tax unpaid
Published 8:58 pm Thursday, March 5, 2009
As of Thursday, nearly $129,000 of the more than $11.1 million in property taxes billed out in October remains unpaid.
Diane Thompkins, chief clerk for the county revenue commission, said 1,434 notices, totaling $463,464, were mailed Fri., Feb. 27.
As of Thursday, all but $128,594 of the total amount due to the county had been collected, she said. Those who owe unpaid taxes are charged a $5 late fee and a 1 percent penalty, as well as any costs associated with publicizing the unpaid taxes.
“What people need to realize that we will be advertising the past due taxes next month and that will add at least an additional $40 per parcel to the total due,” Thompkins said. “The next step in the process is the auction in May, where any piece of property with unpaid taxes will be sold to the highest bidder.”
Thompkins said at the time of the auction, the amount due to the county will serve as the opening bid and will increase in $20 increments. Winners will receive a certificate of sale and can get a tax deed at the end of three years.
One of the major contributors to delinquent taxes is the lack of current addresses for property owners, especially new homebuyers and those who inherit property, she said.
“If you own property in the county and don’t receive a bill, then something is wrong,” she said. “Call us. We don’t want people to lose their property because we couldn’t find an address for you.”
The revenue commissioner’s office can be reached at 428-2540.